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For the introduction to the interviews i would like to start with following questions:

  1. A brief “Who is Who” of Matti Pitkänen
  2. How did you come to study what you study?
  3. What did you find - in general outline only?
  4. How is it relevant for others - in general?

In this way, listeners can grasp what motivated you, how you started your quest, what you found, and how they might be able to use it
5/23/12 11:31 AM

Hi Matti, 10hr30; and good morning to you!
5/23/12 12:11 PM

https://ww om/search? q=matti%20 pitkänen &ie=ut f-8&oe =utf-8
5/23/12 12:12 PM

5/23/12 12:12 PM

http://tgd .wippiespa lic_html/
5/23/12 12:13 PM

http://fqx unity/foru m/topic/26 3
5/23/12 12:13 PM

http://www m/Topologi cal-Geomet rodynamics -Matti-Pit kanen/dp/0 955117089
5/23/12 12:14 PM
5/23/12 12:20 PM
5/23/12 3:06 PM

5/23/12 3:09 PM

intuition and consciousness
levels of organisation
5/23/12 3:11 PM

ambitions for greatness
5/23/12 3:17 PM

fascination with te illogical/inconsistecy in physics.
5/23/12 3:30 PM

dan winter
5/23/12 3:36 PM

change of perspective => different view
not particulat, but connected
5/23/12 3:46 PM

Music - patterns
Physics - Mathematics
altered states of consciousness
Cognition of coherence
5/23/12 3:46 PM

consciousness beyond self/mind
5/23/12 3:59 PM

submnifold =  quantum

particcle = wave

Physics - Mathematics

Geometry/coherence = consciousness
5/23/12 4:25 PM

quantum jump
einstein - bohr
model vs magic
determinism - freedom of choice
5/23/12 4:35 PM

memory linking static and dynamic causality
Ontology = state of being: existence
objective / subjective | interactive | consciousness
Newness: freedom of choice (beyond recreation)
5/23/12 4:45 PM

points of view
magnetic fields and incompressible fluid flow
Schowing the sciencing of science

Space-time fields

Flux-quanta ontology-states

coherence - fluidity
5/23/12 4:50 PM

consciousness = dynamic/transforming consciousness
5/23/12 5:06 PM

math - physics - biology- consciousness
5/23/12 5:06 PM

quantum jump
5/23/12 5:40 PM

Who is Matti Pitkänen; why, how, what ...

This is the first of a series of interviews with physicist Matti Pitkänen, in Finland.
I asked him if he was willing to do these interviews ... because i want to understand what he found.
I studied our body, mind souls and spirit, and cane to understand how Freedom of Choice works.
Matti seems to have the physics, and mathematics to be able to describe it: thousands of pages.

I tried to understand it; i tried to read it, i tried to get to know the mathematics he used, and why.
But i ended up smewhat like others reacting to his lavish blogs: "It looks genius, but what does it mean?".
I already had met Matti in a congrence; and he joined in on a mini-conference i had arranged.
So i decided to ask Matti if i could interview him ... so i, and you, can understand.

The first interview was an open exploration, with four general questions as a thread.
Each question was answered in a separate section; one after the other.
In that manner you can listen to it in smaller segments/portions.
But in that way we also avoid quality loss of Skype conversations (tipical after 40 minutes).

In the first segment i discovered that Matti is at heart an artist: music speaks to him.
But, he found, music does a direct appeal to feeling; but it also has a structure; a logic.
That, he found, is also found in mathematics and physics - which he thus studied.
In fact he had big ambitions - for which Finland did not have all that much place.

In the second segment i learned that it was not all that fun at the university, then.
There was a clear beauty and fascination to mathematics; but physics was in conflict.
On the one hand theories claimed continuity, on the other hand they clamoured for discontinuity.
Out of dissatirfaction, Matti found a mathematical approach which made understanding the conflict simple.

The third segment was interesting in that it was based on a feverish peiod .. of two weeks with fever.
Matti discovered - like so many others - that he could access understanding beyond his own.
He found he could converse with an intelligence much larger than his own life and body.
It showed him that what he had found for physics, evidently applied to consciousness also.
5/23/12 5:49 PM

The fourth part of the conversation explored how that insight can ne understaood by others.
The need of using different mathematics/tools/thinking, to come to diferent conclusions.
The way Newton, Einstein, Planck, Bohr & Gabor helped think in different way to come to new insights>
And that that is perhaps the core of oiot all: to understand how the universe is in ongoing creation (of which we form part).

After these interviews we evaluated our conversation; and explored how we can best continue.
We decided in a fixed time for the interviews - 10hr30-12hr00 on Thursdays every week.
With, at some times open descriptions by Matti on how he came to new insights.
But also, very direct questions by O#o to come to understand the ideas in more detail.

The interviews are collected and presened in he, in the section /matti.pitkanen.
These notes accompany every interview; so that others can learn from this also.
Overall, this will be a course in understanding the research and findings of Matti Pitkanen.
As told by Matti himself; with reference to his books and websites as needed.

It is an open curriculum.
You are welcome to enroll.
Yust follow the links you find here.
And enjoy the experience of sciencing: witnessing science in the making.
5/24/12 11:34 AM

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[Welcome] [The Interviews] [2012.05.23] [2012.05.24] [2012.05.31] [2012.06.07] [2012.06.21] [2012.07.05] [2012.07.01] [2012.07.12] [2012.07.19] [The Curriculum] [Background Information] [$upport]