Lynn Margulis Soience of Life (c) SIG, the Foundation for advancement of  Integral Health Care

Lynn Margulis - Life in/and/as Symbiosis

Dear Lynn,

Please contribute a chapter to a book, “Science of Life”.
Your books on the importance of symbiosis in biology, provided me a corner piece of the puzzle by which I was able to conceive the concept of the Science of Life.

Your work in the fusion if the 4 types of microbes (‘Earth, Water, Air, and Fire’) forms a perfect foundation for a general principle of cell fusion and cell division, which we also see in the formation of our body in, and from, the Zygote.

The importance which you give to symbiosis, ties in directly with the need for humans, humanity, to understand that they form part of all life forms, and are interdependent with then.

Let me summarise how your work helped me, and how I was able to put what you wrote together with the findings of the invited co-authors.

From my engineering school days I already was aware how our universe is believed to have materialised from a pure phase space, via an electromagnetic cosmic gas cloud to form solar chemistry churning into solidified planets.
In my med-school days learned more about the experiment of the gas discharge over primordial gasses, forming the basis for amino acids, which ties in with what I learned from Ken Rand and Suzy Vrobel.

Kenneth Rand told me how lightning links time and space, by leaping a fixed distance and waiting a fixed time.
Suzy Vrobel formulated the notion of a Time Fractal, which I now use for understanding how cells remain linked and interconnected - from the zygote onward, in the process dynamics of our body.

With your work in the fusion of microbes, by symbiosis, I can understand how the formation of the zygote itself is the result if the same dynamic as that of cell division (in the body) as the dynamic of sex (in society).
In that sense, every human is a cell in the body of humanity.

Sex is based on the same concept, still, of the exchange of a protein strand from one microbe to another, by which microbes can transfer e.g. resistance against penicillin to each other.
Bruce Lipton helped me understand how microbes and cells learn in, and from, their context.

Jan van der Greef helped me see that the principle of exchange between microbes is seen also in the metabolomes, the exchange of proteins between cells. It is a beautiful explanation for the high efficiency of our body: recycling. It is a perfect example of your notion of symbiosis.

The exchange of proteins between microbes has, within us, evolved to the co-existence of different metabolomes (cycles of protein metabolites).
Bert Verveen described how the health in our body is based on the integrity of the feed forward and feedback loops in the system process cycles; pathology results from shifts or breaks in those cycles.

Phil Callahan had already helped me realise that in life all molecules are carriers of information. The body is in that sense a symphony of interlinked cycles; chords. The findings of Bert Verveen for health/disease in the body applies to the mind also.
Diego Rapoport created a mathematical model, in which the vortex notation can be used for both the mind and the body; it helps understand where the feed forward and feedback loops do or do not connect.
Peter Rowlands has created an elegant mathematical model by which the feedback closure (’replication’) can be understood in a universal manner.
Vanessa Hill showed that the algebraic forms of the mathematics of Peter Rowlands can be seen in the geometrical organisation which forms the basis of the molecules of life.

Bill Tiller puts this in a larger perspective: consciousness and matter interact ‘on the edge’, in the interface in the transition of the Barrier of Light; of the turning point of that vortex.
Roel van Wijk measured the light field of the body: the electrons jump from one orbit to another within atoms, in concordance wit photons jumping between atoms. Within our body there is a vast system for capturing, storing, transforming and releasing light: the pigments.
Cyril Smith described how the cells communicate using electromagnetic wavebands; which is vy meridians and homeopathic remedies can help retune the body.

I puzzled the pieces together: with your research of microbes I saw how the electromagnetic vibrations around minerals can resonate in the intelligent-gel water to create ionic charge fields to build up information.
The protozoa, fungi, virus and microbes are all related developments of the expression of the interplay between information and matter.

The symbiosis that you described for the four forms of microbes, is in fact the basis for the whole food chain, in which all life forms are interconnected, and exchange DNA as part of their communication of learning of life of this planet.

Earth is one organism, in which all life forms are interrelated. The information/food chain (communication) between life forms is seen also as the communication cycles within life forms: the metabolomes, are but part of the larger pattern.
What matters, in life, is the ability to switch from one process cycle to another; when this goes well we have health; when this fails we go ill.

The authors in this book describe this in various manners. All the time it is about the principle we see in cell-division, metabolism, learning and the sleep cycle: we are able to link op unlink process cycles, by opening or closing system boundaries. (Tiller, Verveen, Rapoport, Rowlands).
Crucial, literally, is thus the ability to open and close the boundary; this is where we can specify the position of freedom of choice in the body. This does not take place in matter, but in the transition between the material phases. This is where we can specify the location/pivot of Freedom of Choice.

Your work shows the equivalent (outside of the body) of what the Time Fractal of Suzy Vrobel helped me see within our body. Just as we have the food chain between microbes and life form, exchanging DNA, we have the exchange of molecules and protein strands within our body.

Our health and mind ‘ride’ on the integrity of these information cycles; the information processing; ‘the software’. The hardware is consequential. The symbiosis of the colony of cells collapses when the information communication ceases. All that is left is the ‘snail shell’ the cell colony built to support their community in different contexts; our skeleton. Life is not material, it is immaterial. Life is not based on the matter of the body; the communication of the living cells created more cells, ‘shedding the materials’ of the physical body.

Our body as a whole is a prime example of the importance of symbiosis between primordial cells, for the development of evolution. We see how over the eons, in learning from each other via the information/food cycles, all life forms learned with and from each other, and created life forms in which the intrinsic communications could be expressed better: as “consciousness”.

And so I came to conclude that consciousness is the experience of the use of Freedom of Choice. Life is based on the use of Freedom of Choice.

At this moment in time, scientists must come to see that science is not about dead matter. Scientists themselves are, each, colonies of cells in communication. They now exchange scrolls instead of protein strands, as part of their symbiosis… They write books…


I invite you to write a chapter summarising your work and findings:

  1. What gave you the idea to look for the properties of symbiosis between microbes, and find it?
  2. How did your understanding take shape; what helped you?
  3. Having discovered the concept; how does it help you - and us all?
  4. How do you see that this understanding can be of help for understanding the Science of Life, in and beyond how it already helped me as I described above?
  5. I ask you to condense your insight in 6 pages of text, plus 4 pages for images, diagrams, tables art work; Half a page of with for references to your web site and (for the Science of Life) relevant writings.

Feel well


[The Book] [Front Page] [Part 1] [Part 2] [The Invitation] [Bill Tiller] [Bruce Lipton] [Walter Schempp] [Suzy Vrobel] [Lynn Margulis] [Peter Marcer] [Uri Fidelman] [Johanna Buchenau] [TODO] [Dan Winter] [Vadim Kvitasch] [Karl Pribram] [Jon Cunnyngham] [Mae-Wan Ho] [Cyril Smith] [Nassim Haramein] [Saskia Bosman] [Roel van Wijk] [Robert Becker] [Bert Verveen] [Charles Rowlatt] [Peter Rowlands] [Jan van der Greef] [Jaap van der Wal] [Vanessa Hill] [Matti Pittkänen] [Zak Jones] [Part 3] [Part 4]