Sovereign Being Soience of Life (c) SIG, the Foundation for advancement of  Integral Health Care

Freedom of Choice deals (directly) with our participation in creation.
What matters is not the description of Reality, but the experience of Realisation.
That is where we see how Freedom of Choice is the basis for Sovereign Being.
But also, that Sovereign Being requires Respect of/for Freedom of Choice, of/for all life forms.

There is an important difference between a description of Reality, and Realisation.
So-called Objective Reality/Science is merely, only, a linguistic object: a Model.
Freedom of Choice proves that such linguistic models have no reality of their own.
They cannot determine the life of living beings, with Freedom of Choice: Sovereigns

Once understood, the nature of Freedom of Choice is simple.
The main obstacle to overcome, is the materialistic model of classical science.
In fact, the evolution of science offers the solution: in the form of informatics.
All that is needed is to understand that this finding of science also applies to science...

Classical science studied inert matter, and formulated deterministic model.
Relativistic science modelled molecular motion, providing relative perspective.
Quantum science explored atomic electron dynamics, with a probabilistic approach.
Field theory formulates sub-atomic coherence, based on the co-ordination of phase.

The evolution went from the study of matter to molecules to atoms to coherence.
The descriptions changed from physics to chemistry to electromagnetism to informatics.
The interpretation changed from deterministic to relativistic to probabilistic to undefined.
The scientist changed role from observer to lab-builder to participant to creator.

In essence, science made a full turn from outsider to insider.
Science fully changed from inert to a creation.
The scientist paradoxically changed from independent researcher to a ranked clerk.
It is necessary to establish, determine, define, set the involvement of the scientist in creating science.

It is evident that objective science is ‘conditioned consensus’ between subjective scientists.
Conversely, every description of reality is a formulation of our realisation.
In fact, deterministic inert reality does not exist; the universe is in ongoing creation.
We therefore must come to understand our own participation in creation; our use of Freedom of Choice.

At this level of understanding, science, religion, politics and psychology are the same.
Each addresses a different aspect of the experience/operation of Freedom of Choice.
All pertain to the way freedom of choice operates in our cells, organs, body and humanity.
Therein sub-atomic coherence determines how atoms form molecules forming matter.

Science addressed the forms of matter; and their transformation.
Religion addressed the  forms of thinking, and their trance formation.
Politics addressed the forms of societies, and their trance-/transformation.
Psychology addressed the forms of collective individual reflex behaviour.

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