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mass VERSUS Matter Earth-Puzzel logo

  d.d. 2014.05.14

  The Audio recording:

Mass VERSUS Matter
Continuing the previous discussion, differentiating 2D mass versus 3D Matter.
This has immense consequences; in how they affect space around them.
Planck units are quantum 'coin', with 2 sides with opposite charges.
There is a N/S magnet at right angles to the +/- electric polarity.

The geometry is equilateral; and larger triangles are consecutive 'squares' of the smaller versions.
The height is the linear momentum; and the 'root' of the 'squares'.
This can be modelled by paper models, which anyone can play with.
Energy, frequency, force and motion can be seen as the geometry.

The 2D units can interact by their electric and magnetic properties.
They can make 3D forms, the simplest of which is the Tetryon.
At the edges the weak force keeps the plank units together.
Surface to surface connections between ('Higgs') Bosons are the strong force.

We now look into the 4th eBook, "Cosmology".
We can build up on the 3D fundamental unit.
WE can see how they effect their environment.
We see the 2D mass energies (outside of time); and the 3D Matter topology.

The spatial coordinate system is important; that has been discussed before.
mass (2D) is measured per second (=c**2)
Energy content of mass topologies is c**4.
With also the energy content of Matter.

In 1 second, we measure in c**4 (as done by Newton, in a sphere
63.01 shows Empty Space; without energy, thus without mass, and without Matter.
Empty Space is definitely EMPTY.
Matter also is empty, but has energy surfaces that define it.

Once energy acts it spreads out; creating fields.
This is called the Vacuum Energy, Aether, Void, ...
De Aether was discarded, the reintroduced.
It is the EM field, allowing for propagation of light.

There is no oscillation in this field; the speed is fixed.
Their geometry is 2D, planar, geometry.
The forces 'slice' through the 'sea of energy'.
At the fixed speed of light of the medium.

The mass energies create a Matter topology.
Matter acts as a cage of Faraday; it is empty within.
The displaced vacuum energy pushes 'back' as 'gravity'.
The forces on the surface give it the mass, thus weight.

63.02 shows how that inetria/mass/surface'tension' energy can be measured.
Just as you can measure atmospheric pressure.
Matter stores more Planck quanta in a region of space.
As mass they dissipate, on Matter they circulate.

The energy of the surfaces builds up to the energy levels of e.g. atoms.
You can change atom levels, such as Carbon 12 versus Carbon-14.
We can measure the energy level; and carbon nuclear decay.
What changes is  not the Matter, but the mass (charged energy content).

63.03 connects back to the earlier discussed constants.
Now we can calculate the region of higher energy density, by vacuum displacement.
Tetryonics explains the actual values thereof, from the topology.
e.g., Sun, Moon and Earth all displace vacuum energies; the larger the more vacuum will have been displaced.

Gravity is purely convergent.
All Matter also has the surface charges, thus an associated EM field.
These are shown as the red and black triangles in the image.
The overall field thus has a centripetal gravitational force and an attracting/repelling electrical component.

The matter topologies account for the gravity.
The surface charges account for the EM field.
We saw the link between Newton and Coulomb.
In this image they come together in a logical manner.

The forces follow from the field superposition (the green arrows).
Physics neglected the associated electromagnetic effect of Matter.
Father away, vacuum displacement is most pronounced.
Within, the electromagnetic forces are predominant.

All material bodies radiate.
Convergent gravity
convergent AND divergent mass energy
63.04 shows why physics reintroduced the Aether.

It was renamed: "The Higgs Field".
'Larger particles move slower in that field'.
Tetryonics gives a different explanation.
Every quantum is an inductive loop, thus has induced inertial mass.

All Matter has mass (energy, inertia) on its surface.
In moving in an EM energy field, it will acquire a larger inertial/inductive mass.
Simply because the Planck unit is a double dipole.
The Higgs Field is the Aether; the induced resistance by motion.

'extracting zero point energy' is the storing of the vacuum energy bosons.
Vacuum energy is lowest density longest wavelength energy form.
It still has impedance properties, and energy content (respective to the Void).
63.05 shows how the Bosons (3.pi w-boson) brings about the inertial mass.

We can show the inductive flux.
the SQRT is the linear momentum component (change of velocity).
Inertia is resistance against change of inertia.
The greater the mass, the greater the inertia.

mass is the geometry.
Matter (M) is the topology due to charge.
63.06 shows the Higgs Boson, with its spatial coordinate system.

The Tetryon has 4 charged surfaces, which are shown colour-coded.
As the number of quanta increase, the colours change.
Yellow is an N3 charge surface.
It has Schrödinger number 3, with 9 quanta.

The Matter at level N1 has 1.10**19 Planck quanta.
n8 would have 64 times that amount, due to the charge increase.
Energy is timeless, mass is time-based; Matter is a topology.
At the bottom the different quanta/number/wavelength is shown as a fractal antenna.

It is based on the equilateral geometry.
The energy in the charge field creates the fractal.
It represents the angular momentum, and physical wavelength.
It is a squared number of bosons, with a root linear momentum.

mass is per c**2
Matter is per c**4

63.07 shows the energy within the charged fascia: zero.
The surface charges work as a cage of faraday.
The inside surface has the opposite polarity of the outside surface.
It is a Lorentz coordinate transform (going from inside <=> outside).

In Tetryonics can calculate the charges per Tetryon.
It can be reduced to an energy density (for any topology).
Which can be calculated into the mass content (by dividing by second**2).
In relativity this is achieved by disregarding the time component.

Tetryonics replaces that by a distinct geometry of Matter.
63.08 shows the full field equation>
Matter is 4N.pi (T.pi) energies.
With 2D mass distinct from 3D Matter.

3D Matter is does NOT create 2D mass.
that is how stars generate energy: by Matter collapse.
Linear and angular momentum can now be specified.
Alls regions of space are thereby defined.

This defines the spatial impedance; determining the speed of propagation.
It is the inverse of c**2.
Physics did not look at the impedances of spatial coordinate systems.
C**2 and s**2 are not generally understood in physics...

64.01 looks at two particles/Atoms.
In this case, carbon and lead.
Tetryonics gives their topology and energy content
Energy content per seconds the mass content (= weight).

Tetryonics defines weight; and shows the physical displacement topology.
At the bottom you see the graph for the atomic shells, energy levels and atomic nuclei.
The Bohr atomic shells, specifies where the electrons are to be found.
The energy levels are shown on the right.

That connects to the Schrödinger numbers, now shown at a glance.
No need to calculate; the geometry shows it; with the up/down spins in the shells.
It is not an orbiting but a position in the structure.
as mentioned, mass energy determines the weight; the charge topology determines the element.

Carbon graphite has 6 deuterium nuclei.
See the chemistry book for details.
The surface charges specifies the energy level, "N".
Increase thereof increases their weight (C12, C13, C14, ...)

The energy can spin off as photons, the energy decay.
The topology is that of a quantum synchronous converter.
The speed of electron spin corresponds with the energy level (cf. a gyroscope).
Spectral lines and electron break-off (beta decay) are the result.

We can see how objects with the same structure can weigh more.
The energy density changes the mass densities.
1kg lead and 1kg carbon has the same matter but different mass

64.02 shows that mass-energy geometries are either bosons of photons (EM-waves, charge).
Bosons come in odd numbers.
Photons are pairs.
EM field have equal numbers of ... ((54.08))

Tetryons and Baryons are 4.pi (mistaken as spherical in physics).
We differentiate between mass and Matter in 64.04.
We can calculate the mass of the surface quanta; of the charged Matter topologies.
Tetryons, Leptons and Baryons have detailed topologies.

Of which we can determine the surface charges, and their geometries (per c**2).
64.06 shows that every equilateral Planck quantum has a SQRT energy content.
Adding energy compresses the energy into the topology.
That is why geometry is fundamentally different from topology.

The squeezing effect is a Lorentz contraction effect.
The physical geometry of the field must shrink to fit the energy inn the space geometry.
The linear momentum corresponds with the wavelength; the pink arrow is a blue wavelength.
Adding more Planck quanta compresses the energy into the available shape: the linear Lorentz contraction correction factor.

The scalar field (the surface area of the charged field) is the square of the linear scalar correction factor.
The vector and scalar factors are related.
This is the well know Lorentz Contraction.

The charged surface of the Tetryon is a Higgs Boson. It too has a squared number of charged quanta.
We can mark it as a linear momentum; which we can show in a diagram.
The pink arrow radiates to the corners where the dipole is.
The electric turns into magnetic, and back, adding up to the substance of the Matter Field (which is absent in the mass energy fields

The Tetryons make up all Matter.
Visualise it  by looking at the charged fascia.
Find the bisector, and you know the linear momentum and mass energy.
"Equations are replaced by counting, in the geometry.

The electromagnetic flux of angular momentum is shown.
It is a result of the geometry: the flux represents inertial mass per surface area.
That is the definition of a Higgs Boson in Tetryonic theory.
It is the charge of the surface; determined by the quanta within it.

Each charge creates an inductive loop; this weigh/mass.
The Tetryon at rest is a standing wave (rest mass particle).
Only by motion is a force field induced>: the KEM field.
64.07 shows the 4 types of Tetryons, with their charge fields.

All Matter topologies are based on these divergent/convergent components.
Plus the convergent 'gravity' effect resulting from the displaced vacuum energy.
The vacuum energy of the whole universe tries to equalise the null-space.
Which does not succeed: die to the strength of the tetrahedral shape.

In stars that collapse can be achieved; radiating the energy out.
In vacuum this does not happen.
Matter is an interaction of EM-fields.
64.08 shows that re-arranged in a different perspective: relativistic.

It shows mass-energy-Matter as energy value for a region, as did Einstein.
Like the Newton formulation it has inherent problems.
Also, the Einstein calculation is complex, whereas that of Newton was simple.
Wheeler: energy tells matter how to move; matter guides energy motion.

It is a pressure formula: relating temperature to energy.
The description is much more complex, but has less information than Tetryonics.
Tetryonic shows the topology, and the planar energy wave on the surfaces.
With the velocity (in c**2 or c**2, depending on the reference system).

Tetryonics states: energy seeks equilibrium; in all of its forms
Mater is a condensed form of mass energy.
The topology gives form, the mass gives solidity.

Neither Newton nor Einstein show what gravitation if, by the formulae.
64.09 shows the mass-energy content in the Hydrogen atom..
It is the mass of the surface of the Matter topology that gives it weight, by motion.
The Matter creates the Gravity; thus the counter-pressure of the vacuum energy.

The large gravitational field causes it to be attracted to another body of matter.
The gravitational constant is a result of the geometry of the mass energy content.
The topology plays a role in specifying the energy level (weight) corresponding with the form.
64.10 highlights the difference between energy, mass and Matter.

We can  now focus on the immaterial (which Descartes was not allowed to address).
These immaterial force fields can be modelled, from the quantum up.
The radiant mass energy creates the fields of force, and thus motion.
The fields are the result of energy seeking equilibrium; correcting for created matter (Universe as Mirror of Change")

Matter topologies are a part of gravitational field; as is their electrical components.
The electric, magnetic and gravitic must all be accounted for.
That combines as quantum gravity.
Adding energy, changes the Lorentz component.

Tetryonics allows for a building oaf a gravity model.
It includes Planck, Newton, Einstein; and Coulomb, but needs distinction is mass versus Matter.
64.11 calls for a mind shift in physics.
The photon (EM) wave is not mass-less, but MATTERLESS.

They always move at the speed of light, in relativity.
The limit of the speed of light is a foundation of special relativity.
But that means that a photon, moving at the speed of light CANNOT BE MATTER.
That is why a photon cannot be a Tetryon (Matter); it MUST BE MASS.

Photons are (dual) 2.pi Bosons.
The impedance of the special coordinate system determines the speed,
Change the energy => changes the Planck quanta => changes the wavelength.
... in the vacuum, energy of any spatial region.

Photons have the geometry of Kinetic Energy; as in KEM field.
They are kinetic, electrical, and have mass.
They are a frozen geometry; (which refutes special relativity).
There is changing quantised angular momentum; they must be measured in c**2, c**3 or c**4.

The mass is the SQRT (pink arrow).
Omega, the geometry, resolves all the problems.
Photons per second**2 is how we can know the mass (without Matter).
2.pi (nor 3.pi) cannot be a closed volume; it is thus IN A PLANE.

A photon is not a mass-less particle, but a matter-less-EE-wave.
It is better to know that they are not affected by gravity: thus they are WEIGHTLESS>
There is no null-space with which to equalise them: photons are weightless EM-Field (or Energy Momenta.

64.12 shows the tetrahedral topology of matter, with the associated surface energy field.
A force applied to the Matter topology creates a KEM field.
It is the relativistic component of the Matter particle in motion.
The KEM field is a readiative electrostatic/electromagnetic field.

The KEM fields (radiated heat/colour) are time based radiative.
In 1 second, it reaches the moon. (1.3 seconds away from the Earth).
The gravitational field can be shown; with their different densities.
These result from the Matter Topologies; and the surface energies they therein contain.


All elements of Matter are comprised of Deuterium.
The Z-number is the proton-neutron-electron unit amount.
Deuterium nuclei have 84.pi mass-matter ration.
These contribute to the radiative fields of bodies.

First you notice the convergent gravity force.
Then you notice the additional mass-energy momenta.
at a distance, Newton’s equations suffice.
Close-up, relativistic description is needed.

Newton's model is indeed about instantaneous action at a distance.
KEM field vectors do not need to be taken into account.
Close-up hey must be accounted for as relativity does.
The special relativistic corrections describe the EM field around Matter.

Coulomb fields superimposed on the Newton field can show this.
It is then a charged field, instead of a neutral field.
Account for the superposition of mass-energy in using Newton-coulomb superposition.
Einstein’s approach is not good enough to show the detail.


65.01 shows the atomic system, with 120 deuterium nuclei.
The charge topology, and neutral particles, account for all.
The charges surfaces create a net neutral Matter system; which is the gravitational aspect.
Tetryonics explains the mass-Mater interaction; and how established models can be corrected.

The motion creates the force.
The motion adds mass-energy.
(Cavendish tried to ignore this)
Tetryonics resolves this.

On the right hand side you see the coulomb geometry and Newton geometries are the same.
That is why gravity is often held to be neutral.
In quantum physics this was still ill understood.
In Tetryonics the geometries and Topologies show what happens.

Physical particles versus measured forces.
The geometry (at the right) is the same.
But the forces are different; they operate at a different level.
It is the difference between 2D forces and 3D Matter.

Matter creates the convergent gravitational push-back.
Charge formulations add to the insight.
Tetryonics explains.
Universal gravitation (3d) has a (2D) associated EM field dynamic.


Forces between particles stem from field overlap.
65.02 shows classical physics integrated with relativity.
The masses and the fields, in how they relate.
The Planck quanta are mass energy momenta.

Change over time is the linear momentum.
Inertial mass is due to energy changes.
That, we see as spectral lines (energy release).
Angular momentum = inertial mass; linear momentum = velocity.

On the right hand side the gravitational mass is seen.
With the difference between inertial and gravitational mass.
We can now known and show that inertial mass is a geometry.
Gravitational mass is the energy content of the topologies.

Geometries and topologies MUST be distinguished.
The traditional mathematics did not show this.
Matter topologies create gravity.
Inertial mass is not a property of Matter, but of mass.


they are the same Planck quanta, in a different relationship.
68.07 shows how Relativity regarded everything as a stress (tensor).
It addressed the radiative energy around matter.
In Tetryonics, that can be explained by the surface forces, associated with the Matter structures.

Inertial and gravitational mass are different.
mass and energy are indeed related.
But not by a stress tensor.
Instead Tetryonics shows that mass energies of Matter topologies van de directly understood.


Interaction between bodies can thereby be understood and described.
68.06 repeats the foregoing: discern mass (geometry) and Matter (Topology).
(General) Relativity, Newton, Coulomb cannot do that.
But in combination you can see the mass-matter interplay.


68.07 shows mass =/= Matter.
They are in different dimensions.
They must not be confused.
mass  (kg) versus Mater (KG).

Then, can you calculate gravitational fields.
Topology creates the gravity field.
mass creates the weight; the inertial field of force.
68.10 reorganises the relativistic equations.

Instead of the standard form the dimensions are corrected.
With Tetryonics is becomes N.pi/c**4 (mass velocity = SQRT of mass Omega m**2)
The unified field equation includes the squared
the sqrt showed the motion the squared energy levels create them.

The squared are the Planck quanta.
On the left; can be represented as equilateral Tetryonics.
That defines the GEM field: gravitation + EM field.
Tetryonic geometries and topologies are all that is needed.


Mathematics cannot show this 69.06 represents inertial versus gravitational mass.
It follows the idea of acceleration, as depicted by Einstein.
The inertial perspective (linear momentum) on the left
With the inertial resistance, induced, in the field.

Cut the rope, then the elevator falls in the gravitational field.
The same force in the opposite direction.
In the elevator you cannot know/measure the difference.
This inertial=gravitational; but not in Tetryonics.


69.07 applies Tetryonics; regarding energy in a space region.
Mass energy fields can be formulated on any mass energy field; in gravitation.
Thus, mass energy (rank 2) and rank 4 (Matter topologies).
69.08 shows the interactions of particles via their KEM fields.


The forces are stored in the KEM field.
If electrostatic there will be 2 cancelling KEM fields.
mass-energy of the fields can only be conserved by interaction.
That will create a Tetryonic ('diamond shaped') field overlap.

Then the convergent attraction can be seen.
69.0g shows the pressure gradient.
cf. the Magdeburg spheres, of pressure forces.
The same principle, at the Planck scale: Tetryons.

The external vacuum energies act on the null space.
The charge surface maintains the vacuum within.
The surface flows are in correspondence with that pressure difference.
Tetryons have the lowest energy content of al particles.

The theory shows their mass, and gravitational force.
The gravity is the vacuum energy pressure on the volume of the Tetryon.
All is summed up in 69.10: a particle (including all energy levels).
With the Q-charge, = the Higgs bosons that form the force of interfacing.

Only in Tetryonics can you specify the details of these forces.
Hidden partitions can be modeled, thus made visible.
The mass-energy distribution can be made explicit.
With the rest mass calculated by the structural form also.

Topology, Matter gravity, mass-energy and kinetic energy (in context).
It would be described as excess neutrons.
In Tetryonics the nucleus is a deuterium with strong force bonding.
Breaking an atom apart brings the system back to the N1 level.

120 deuterium, reduced to the basis, gives the atom energy.
It is NOT excess neutrons.
It is the quantum charge total in the atomic structure.
Tetryonics shows the electrons, protons and neutrons are same in all atoms; excess mass = excess energy.

mass energy can be released: radiated.
Fission is based on releasing that energy.
Tetryonics calculates the energy in the particle.
And can calculate how much energy can be released.

The top right number is the molar mass (relativistic energy).
It is the mass energy of the Matter topology.
In a c**4 spatial coordinate system.
Not an Einstein stress energy tensor, but energy + mass + Matter.

There is a convergent (green) Matter (gravity) force.
PLUS the mass energy due to motion (heat/radio-active).
The convergent/divergent forces accelerate electrons (beta, gamma decay.)
See the chemistry book for the details.

Matter, mass and energy must all be taken into account.
As the Planck and cosmic level.
With the intangible fields as explicit part of the formulation.
With a direct understanding of relativistic motion, mass, Matter and what energy does.

We must differentiate between mass, Matter and energy.
We can now create a full, relativistic, quantum field of gravitation.
Photons are NOT attracted by gravity.
They ARE affected by electrical fields.

The geometry is the key.
mass = Matter


This is certainly about mass =/= Matter
therein geometry =/= topology.
it deconfuses physics at its basis.
It is the foundation of Tetryonics.

learn it by reading the books
Better still: learning by playing with the templates.
Reinterpreting what you know in/as Tetryonics is much work.
It is simpler and better to play with the templates, and let your old understanding take new shapes

2D is not 3D
The geometry rules
Follow the logic that it contains.

Understand that the triangle is a force,
Shapes formed from triangles are force fields.
Tetryons are inert invariant structures.
The surface forces on them are the force of creation in creation.

Tetryonics give a language to understand that basis of creation.
We can now describe the forces, separately and clearly.
And understand how that affects inert invariant Tetryon, Matter
And know how we can interact with/in it


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[Tetryonics  {Created by Kelvin Abraham}] [Interviews] ["Experiencing a Paradigm Shift"] [Tetryonics in Education] ['Exploring the Unknown, Doing the Undone'] [Tetryonic Templates] ['Bottom-Up Modelling the Universe'] ['Playing with/at Universal Creation'] ['Linking Paper with Principles'] [The Tetryonics Atom] [Radio-Active Active-Radio] [Tetryonic Gravitation / 'Graviton'] [The Tetryon Universe] [The Tetryon Photon] [Tetryonic Biology] [Tetryonics Atomics: Static/Radiative Fields] [Tetryonic Electromagnetic Universe] [Hypothesising: Electric Field Healing] [Tetryonic Gravity 1 (Displaced Vacuum)] [Tetryonic Gravity 2 ((Anti)Matter)] [Triangles (forces) forming Tetrahedra (forms)] [Radio Circuits and/as Tetryonics] [Zero Point Energy Theory] [Zero Point Energy Technology] [P vs NP Problem Solution] [Navier Stokes Problem Solution] [mass AND Matter] [Cosmic Constants 1] [Cosmic Constants 2] [mass ON Matter] [mass VERSUS Matter] [Photons 1] [Photons 2] [Photons 3a Spectral Lines] [Photons 3b Spectral Lines] [Photons 4 Techology] [Water] [Atom Core - Deuteron] [Atom Composites - Overview] [Atom Aufbau] [Future Topics] [Info] [Course in Tetryonics] [Resources]