
O#o (c) SoL

Cosmic Constants 1 Earth-Puzzel logo

  d.d. 2014.05.09

  The Audio recording:

Cosmic Constants 1

  • Tetryonics 04.12 - Forces of Interaction.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 04.07 - Magnetic Permeability fields.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 04.05 - Electric Permittivity Fields.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 01.12 - Momentum-velocity relationship.jpg
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Cosmics Constants are ‘the Proof of the Pudding’.
It shows that Tetryonics is not a fantasy.
Quite the contrary: it shows all fundamental values that are known in physics.
But shows them in a surprisingly more simple manner.

The Gravitation Constant is best known, yet least understood.
These constants are needed to calibrate the outcome of measurement.
They need to be added in the calculation, to get the right answer.
Mathematics is the technique for pattern recognition; the Cosmic Constants are needed to make the values fit.

Mathematics needs the constant, to match the findings with those of physics.
Some of these constants are extremely precise.
Some even so, that any slight change in value would fundamentally change the physics.
In Tetryonics the constants were to be seen in the theory, as part of the geometry.

In Physics there is no way to determine these constants.
They emerge only when it is clear that the math requires correction.
In Tetryonics all squares/roots are part of an equilateral geometry.
The square shows the size, the root shows the height.

01.12 shows the relationship between the energy and the momentum.
The geometry immediately shows how they relate.
The height of the equilateral triangle is linear momentum:
It is the number of Planck quanta per second, = mass.

mass is the area, scalar surface area.
The geometry is the quantised angular momentum: omega.
That is mathematically equal to Planck’s constant.
The 'effect' can be shown as a line, the velocity of the change.

Planck’s constant, mass, linear- and angular momentum are all integrated.
Momentum * velocity = energy; now seen as a geometry; a reality.
Squaring the linear momentum gives the amount of quanta.
4 photons = 8 bosons = 64 Planck quanta (8**2).

It is the generalised form of e=mc**2.
It is the mass energy inside Matter topologies.
In Matter energy always propagates at sped c.
Thus the energy in matter is e=Mc**2.

Relativity had it right for photons.
Now we can see how it applies to mass, linear and angular momentum and velocity.
That means we can describe the force.
It is always related to charge (the driving force for change of motion).

This is the basis of the geometry.
Now we can see what happens when two field connect up: 04.05
Dirac’s constant is Planck’s constant divided by 2.pi.
Because there are two geometries: the electric component.

The electric component is diamond shaped.
And has a SQRT vector for c, for particle acceleration/deceleration.
This is described by the Coulomb law. of electric charge interaction.
Now seen to be bi-directional; with radiating and convergent forces.

Tetryonics shows that charge interaction is bi-directional.
The negative charge radiates negative energy momenta.
It also has convergent positive changes, as defined by the shape.
A field always has both positive and negative polarities.
Therefore field interactions are always inter-actions.

Attraction and repulsion are always linked.
Electric permittivity in vacuum is denoted by epsilon-0.
On 04.07 the same is shown for the magnetic component.

It is a quantum transformer; two coupled inductors.
That neutralises the electric and enforces the magnetic.
Still a diamond shaped geometry, but now laterally oriented.
As a result, the associated Laws are different.

Ohm's Law is about the flow of particles, depending on direction.
When directions align they attract, when opposite, they repel.
In external EM fields that leads to the Lorentz forces.
All as a result of the dynamics in context, in Tetryonics.

The geometry specifies the forces.
The height = linear momentum = vector velocity.
The strength stems from the number of quanta in the field.
04.12 shows the organisation of quanta charges in a field.

On the left the field is positive.
On the right the field is negative.
That is based on the sum total of =-&-- interactions.
By their superposition they create a field of interaction: e**2.

This shows where the forces at a distance come from
That is why the Newton/Coulomb Laws are 'similar'.
They spread out from the Matter; and create field of interaction by overlap.
Also, similar charges will repel as shown in the lower part of the image.

  • Tetryonics 16.02 - Planck's Constant.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 08.09 - KEM field modelling.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 04.28 - Biot-Savart.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 16.03 - Avogadro's Number.jpg
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The energy momenta interact; and will be a Laplacian Field.
Squares will be the essence of the geometry; by field overlap.
04.28 shows the electric/magnetic field mapping.
The electric is inverse square law; the magnetic is a cube force.

The force of the field is shown on the side.
Due to the geometry the drop-off is different.
It is shown in the shape of the field charges.
Because it is not well understood, this effect is not often taught.

08.09 shows the ampere force in particles in conductors.
Tetryonics shows the geometry - Topology.
It shows how a secondary field is induced: a KEM field.
It is drawn as a=/- flux with N/s charge dependent arrangement.

Charges moving in the same direction induce opposite charges.
When moving in parallel, the opposite takes place.
This gives 4 different attraction/repulsion scenarios.
The KEM field geometry determines the motion, force, by interaction of charges.

The field geometry determines the force constants.
16.02 gives a break-down of the Planck constant.
It has mass per angular momentum.
Tetryonic shows it as equilateral, with quantised angular momentum.

The electric and magnetic polarities are at right angles.
Linear and angular momentum are distinct; in the Planck unit.
The value of the Planck constant can be calculated
You can actually calculate how many Planck units are in the number of Avogadro.

  • Tetryonics 16.03 - Avogadro’s Number.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 16.02 - Planck's Constant.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 08.09 - KEM field modelling.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 16.04 - Coulomb's Constant.jpg
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Tetryonics gives an exact value for the Planck constant, from the theory.
It comes as + or - charges.
Likewise, 16.03, this makes it possible to calculate Avogadro’s number.
16.04 shows how the Coulomb constant emerges in physics, out of field overlap.

The coupling constant, K, of the superimposed field gives a force.
It derives from particle acceleration, by the electric field interactions.
There are 3 interactions: electron, positron, or paired.
The value is the measure of the SQRT of the field overlap.

Physics normally describes this as a line; the vector force.
Tetryonics shows the associated equilateral fields.
These fields are invisible; yet shown in Tetryonics.
And thus can be calculated as number of Planck quanta.

16.05 shows the medium of the electromagnetic energy, in vacuum.
It has an impedance for every region of space: the inverse of c**2.
The admittance is the inverse of c**2.
That is what Maxwell used for the electric vs magnetic coupling constant.

The sqrt of the c value is the speed of light.
Thence: light is a form of electromagnetic radiation.
c**2 is a spatial coordinate; the inverse is the field.
When you 'invert the circle, you end up with an equilateral triangle.

24.04 reiterates the electron forces.
Any charged particle has an electrostatic field.
In motion, a KEM field is added to that.
Their interaction provides the coupling constant; it is a geometric property.

  • Tetryonics 22.06 - Coulombs.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 22.05 - Electric Interactions.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 21.04 - Coulombs Charge Constant.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 16.05 - The Speed of Electromagnetic energies.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 22.09 - Magnetic Interactions.jpg
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22.06 details the coulomb force, by charge and amperes.
Charge is mass-seconds;
Coulomb’s is the field force.
Matter in motion is the measure for ampere's law.

Charge is a measure of mass energy geometry.
Coulomb is geometry (change in energy in time).
Ampere is Topology (change in space in time).
Ampere's Law is measured in a conductor.;

22.09: particles in motion create a magnetic dipole per particle in motion.
That creates a magnetic field around the conductor.
It is proportional to the distance.
The magnetic poles interaction and by superposition determine the result.

  • Tetryonics 23.08 - Coulombs vs. Amps.jpg
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all is based on the geometry of the field.
The force of motion is stored in magnetic and electric fields.
22.11 summarises these forces
The field will attract neutron and protons to form deuterium nuclei.

This can than charge up energy to make larger particles.
Once created, it will have an electrostatic field.
In motion, the geometry will induce equal and opposite forces by vector cancellation.
Top right shows the charge overlap (even in neutral particles) determining their attraction.

The geometry explains why neutrons are attracted to protons, yet unexplained in physics.
Neutrons are sum-total neutral; but contain = & - charges.

  • Tetryonics 40.15 - Coupling Constants.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 40.14 - The Fine Structure Constant.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 40.13 - Alpha Constant.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 40.11 - QED and Virtual Particles.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 29.18 - Spectral energy relationships.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 40.16 - Charge the universal Coupling Constant.jpg
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Now we can address where the constants come from.
Most important are those listed in the QED book.
21.08 is Planck’s constant divided by the momentum of the quantum.
That gives the de Broglie wavelengths

Divide Planck’s constant by the linear momentum => physical wavelength.
It is the wavelength of each quantum in the field.
The pink arrows shows the linear momenta.
Adding energy adds quanta in the field; it is called the Higgs Boson.

It is in fact an quantum inductor; explaining the mass increase.
The Higgs Boson is a charged facia; a charged boson.
The inverted linear momentum divided by Planck’s constant gives the mass in the matter.
The bosons giving the substance of the Matter.

The Compton frequency and de Broglie wavelength are the same for the same particle.
The arrangement of the Planck quanta give the properties.
Tetryonics shows that the Planck Constant is mass Omega (energy/second, quantised angular momentum)
Planck’s constant / linear momentum = mass omega, propagated at c,

All formulae have a common component: mass.
Take that out of the view, then the equilateral geometry divided by the velocity give the deBroglie wavelength
c / omega give the inverse wavelength
c**2 / omega give the frequency of the EM waves of the field

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This can be applied to the field, and the charge.
De Broglie equation in equilateral geometry (with vector velocity) gives the wavelength, from the theory.
That what mathematics describes, can be SEEN in Tetryonics.
40.11 integrates the findings: in the Feynman particle interaction diagrams.

Tetryonics starts with equilateral unit field with +/- & N/S polarities.
The interactions creates the forces, with coupling constants.
The geometry and size specify the specific outcome.
The principle is scalable; regardless of the energy in the system.

The faster something moves, the more quanta it contains.
That creates the kinetic energy, linear momentum, and proportional velocity.
Mass-velocity-squares =- energy; the interaction field as shown at the bottom.
The Kinetic is half mv**2 (linear momentum by velocity); as field of interaction.

KE**2 is thus p**2.v**2/2, and/or m. omega**2.v**4/2

It is amperes law, when the magnetic is used.
It is called coulomb's law when the electric is used.
The closer the wires are together, the stronger the force.
The four-vector linear momentum can be shown by the geometry.

Feynman’s virtual particles are not needed.
The mechanics are the result of the immaterial fields.
The geometries of the charge fields give the force.
Just as the wakes of boats moving on a lake interact.

charge mass energies create force by their overlap, at any distance.
The longer it exists, the farther its field will extend.
When fields line op end to end, instant interaction is possible.
The particles in that region (inter)act accordingly.

Particles around the sun act and react instantaneously.
40.13 explains the alpha-constant: the generic coulomb inter-particle force.
There are many formulae for it.
It is based on the superposition of the KEM fields.

It is a geometric relationship, in Tetryonics.
It is omega**2, in superposition.
The scalar coupling, or fine structure constant.
It precisions the field strength of particles in motion.

Tetryonics counts the Planck quanta in the geometry, as measure for charge.
It is energy, with a geometry; The sqrt will be the vector force.
The interaction for a single Planck charge is .0012 (the equilateral geometry of a quantum in a c**2 region).
This turns out to be 1/12 charge of the electron (the electron has 12 charges!).

A proton has 36 charges: 12 negative, and 24 positive; this +12 net charge.
The linear momentum can be calculated from theory, as exact value for a force field.
In this case physics says it is approx the inverse of 137.
In Tetryonics the value can be calculated: 0.007539822

It means that the fine structure constant of physics is in error in physics, by 2%
By Tetryonics the outcome is found by the accurate amount of quanta.
Therein the forces, momentum, polarities and all are accounted for.
with as result: 132.6291192

This, we already corrected 2 cosmic constant from theory.
And proven the number of Avogadro.
With these results we can calculate the mass content of Matter.
Physical bodies can be represented by an equilateral triangle; and mass/energy constant established.

The mass energy of the Moon and Earth and Sun can be calculated.
The charge interaction and gravitation interaction are similar.
The coupling constants however are different.
In 40.15 this is shown for any particle interaction.

The mass/weight of overlapping field has a mass and coupling constant.
The overlap is the coupling; the 'constant' is the value.
Regardless if it is about galaxies, stars, particles or Tetryons.
With the fine structure constant for 2 Planck quanta .. multiply by the number of Planck quanta in the system.

The energy is the surface area.
Charge is the number of equilateral triangles in the system.
Neutral, + or - only depends on the charge balance.
40.14 shows this as an effect of the field at a distance; depending on the quanta within it.

If the particles are not of same size, the difference in their part of the balance can be seen.
Also, the balance point of the interaction can be seen NOT to be in the middle.
The alpha coupling constant and coulombs omega coupling constant are aspects of the same.
The vector forces (m/s, by s/m) cancel out; this makes it a dimensionless number.

Earth has more mass (thus scalar attraction) that the moon.
It does not matter if be measure electricity, or gravitation.
Once matter is created, Matter comes into the picture.
Then, gravitation (im)balance come into play; same if charge neutrality is lost (electric fields are 40x that of gravity).

At the cosmological scale gravity becomes predominant; at the larger scale.
Geometric coupling (41,16) brings it all back to the underlying geometry.
It is the quantum charge, which is 1/12 of the elementary charge in physics.
Always: it is about the balance between + and - in the equilateral field.

In a triangle, there will always be an imbalance (boson excess/deficit).
Squared numbers are equilateral field; thus charged. at all scales of physics.
It is the basis of the charge symmetry time in physics.
Energy EM field has a charge, thus has equilateral parity: (affected by rotation/mirroring).

Rotation does not affect charge; mirroring does (Lorentz transformation').
Physics has studied Parity in detail (corresponding with charge bias).
Changing the number of equilaterals per unit time is the measure for time.
Delta-second = time; the changing number of quanta gives the measure of time.

Without change, there is no time: it is timeless, invariant.
Within that region of space change of time cannot be detected.
It is a region of timelessness; full inertia ('hell').
In physics it is based on Omega, quantised angular momentum


Then relating coulombs law to newton's law.
And showing hos the alpha constant follows from the geometry.
And come to the theory of quantum gravity.
By the geometry, all then 'falls in place'.

The field geometry creates the physicality, and the physics.

The raw ingredient, is the Planck quantum.
By seeing how they link up, in the coupling constants.
It starts with the equilateral geometries.
Now, specifically, how fields overlap.

In Tetryonics you do not need to calculate.
You see the forces in the geometry.
The geometries are always interrelated.
Instead of the mathematics, you can use the geometry.

  • Tetryonics 08.09 - KEM field modelling.jpg
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  • Tetryonics 04.28 - Biot-Savart.jpg
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calculating the electron was 2% out;
the geometry showed that the energy levels explain why.

NEXT: Cosmic Constants 2



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