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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
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!Matti Pitkänen
Independent Research Scientist


Welcome to the next session of interviews on MattiMathics...

Today's topic: the quantum leap.
Which in my reckoning is the locus/focus of freedom of choice.

Here are some thoughts which i'd like to bring into our interview, about the quantum.

My core idea/belief is that physics is simple; but - just as you said - we need to somehow imagine it correctly. Once we can see it for what it is, nature is logical, and simple.

That means that it all starts with a simple thought, an imagination; for Planck that apparently was in the form of dreams. He corresponded about this with Jung. Quantum theory was (literally) dreamed up.

That is also what Richard Feynman seems to be all about: see(k)ing that utter simplicity. And representing it in a concise graphical manner.

Maybe, in that way, we could also start with your imagination/visualisation/representation.

Then, in the second part of the interview, maybe address what you needed to formulate that vision in mathematics.
And how you needed to trim mathematical models for that purpose, to get them to work.

The third part of the interview then could be about what that made possible; how others can now see that also.
But, for the listener, with the understanding that the math is merely 'the coat hanger' for the image/idea/ideal: the picture.
!Mattimathics ...
#Mathematics & Mathematicians
#Mathematics & Models in  Science
#P-adic numbers

!1) Preparations
Question and Answer;

That is the format of this first exploration of Matti’s work.
What Matti found, if formulated in his own form of mathematics.
But Matti could find this, because he formed his own form of mathematics.

So, mathematics stands central.
It is at the same time the instrument for thinking, and recording.
Does mathematics really bridge the ideas in the mind and words on paper?
Is the mathematics of/for thinking, the same as the mathematics of formulation/formulae?

I started with the following questions to Matti; this was my email:

O#o van Nieuwenhuijze, MSc, MD kirjoitti 24.05.2012 kello 00:41:
:Hi Matti,
:Thx, I think it is great, what is possible in this series of interviews!
:For tomorrow (in your time zone, today already) it might be nice to talk about mathematics.
:Yet, rather, in such a way that anybody can sense, feel, grasp what mathematics is about.
:Few people remember that it is a symbol(ic) language, which WE create.
:It may be wise to speak about the feeling, “the beauty”..., of mathematics.
:Later, we will be able to get into logic, formulations and formalisms, and calculation/results. But first..
:#What is mathematics about, and a language for communication and ... Thinking?
:#Why are there so many different forms of mathematics; what makes them different?
:#You discovered/created/designed/use different models of mathematics; why, how?
:#What are the specific models of mathematics which you now use, and why?
:This will probably give a good general starting point.
:As before, it starts with the intuitive/feeling level.
:It then goes into practical choices and uses.
:Later we can look, in detail, in the result that offers.
:You already mentioned “sub-manifolds” (systems), “quantum” (dimensional operations) and “p-adic numbers” (calculus); maybe the most central of these can be of help as example to illustrate how you interprete/use mathematics?
:Feel well
//Matti replied//:
://1) what is mathematics about, and a language for communication and ...Thinking?//
://2) why are there so many different forms of mathematics; what makes them different?//
:Difficult questions.
:I have not thought mathematics at this meta level.
:My view is rather  mathematics centered.
:Ontology again;-).
:I indeed realized yesterday that the core of TGD is about new ontology: about //what exists//. 
:1) What is ontological status of mathematical structures, theories?
::Do they exist in some sense?  Do they exists like  matter exists?
::[Poposal:  theory about physics is the physics. The objective realities that we  call quantum states are just their mathematical descriptions.
::Here my view is similar to Tegmark's except that he does not try to identify the mathematician as conscious entity.
::Mathematical consciousness form quantum jump between different quantum states, mathematical objects.
::Travelling around in Platonia;-)]
:Yes this reveals to me my view;-): __mathematics is not a mere tool of thinking but the very objective existence__.
:2) Feedback aspect of mathematical consciousness is overall important:
::seeing ones thoughts is certainly fundamental for developing mathematical consciousness.
:3) There are ontological  questions also about status of Boolean logic. Is it part of quantum existence?
::[Fermionic Fock states as representations of Boolean statements and zero energy states in zero energy ontology (again a little bit of ontology!) as statements of type A=>B or more precisely, their quantum superpositions: this is what thinking mostly is rules, quantum states as quantum rules stating laws of physics!]
:4) What is the role of p-adic mathematics in understanding mathematics?
::[p-Adic topology appears in the context of so called Stone spaces.
::One of them is the space of possibly infinitely long bit sequences.
::It consists of 2-adic integers forming continuum. p>2-adic numbers seem to related to p-valued logic or effectively p-valued logic.
::Therefore identification as geometric correlates for cognition.
::p-Adic surfaces as thought bubbles. Descartes.
::p-Adic classical  physics  is non-deterministic and this inspires also description of intentions p-adically: intention but not yet deed as p-adic space-time surface.]
:5) Self reference is one fundamental aspect of mathematics. Writing a formula expressing mathematical thought is self reference, seeing own thought from above. Climbing to a new level in the hierarchy of existences. What is this hierarchy?
::Does self reference  reveal itself in the very structure of mathematics - and physics if physical object is theory about itself?
::[Here  the hierarchy of infinite primes pops up.
::Maybe it is too abstract and technical. Second hierarchy is quite recent and relates to the generalization of arithmetics.
::Numbers and + and * are replaced with Hilbert spaces with direct sum and tensor product and define shadows of deeper physical existence. Even more: points of Hilbert spaces are represented by numbers which can be replaced by Hilbert spaces, and this replacement can be done again and again! Self reference! Maybe here is the proper manner to describe self reference. Points are not structureless but have fractal structure, something speculated also by Grothendieck. Even space-time points would evolve in evolution.
::There are intelligent and less intelligent space-time points! This would mean taking number theoretical Brahman=Atman -or algebraic holography, to its extreme. Single space-time has infinitely complex number theoretic anatomy able to  represent entire universe! ]
:Your second question is very general. As such I am not able to say much about it. There are however two  basic manners to think mathematically. Geometric-topological based on visualization and algebraic based on  highly symbolic language. They are very  different moods of mathematical thinking. About this I am able to say something.
::[Physics as infinite-D geometry for the world of classical worlds as first mode of TGD. Physics as generalized number theory as second mode of TGD.]

:A brief note about vortices and magnetic flux quanta.  As I explained, the purely local mathematics of magnetic field is that of incompressible fluid flow. Water is the fundamental example. Vortices have their magnetic counterparts.
:What about global mathematics of magnetic fields? Here TGD differs from Maxwellian vision which is linear. In TGD fields are geometrized in terms of sub-manifold geometry. Once you know space-time as 4-surface in 8-D space you know all the classical fields.
:A new phenomenon is flux quantization which is observed also for ordinary hydrodynamical vortices in super-fluidity.  In TGD framework this quantization is quantization of space-time. For instance the magnetic field decomposes into flux quanta,  spacer-tme sheets which are typically flux tubes or flux sheets having typically finite size in some direction(s). This means that physical systems have field identity, magnetic body.
:The braiding of magnetic flux tubes involves knotting and linking and would be a  fundamental phenomenon responsible for the most fascinating aspect of biological information processing. Idea would be simple: connect molecules by flux tubes. When they move around these flux tubes get braided and code the motion to a memory. These braiding patterns would be also crucial in making possible quantum computation like activities.
:Example: lipid layers of cells are liquid crystals. 2-D liquids. The flow of this liquids has vortices and these vortices can coded to memories if one connects lipids by flux tubes to say DNA. This is like connecting dancers to the wall by threads and storing the dynamics of dance to the braiding of threads!

''Names of mathematicians''
One of the difficulties in dealing with mathematics, and mathematicians, is what i call ‘name dropping’. “Descartes”. “Newton”. “Hilbert”. And so on.
:These are the name of mathematicians, but in mathematics they do not represent their name. They do not represent them. But they represent their thinking; or rather: their way of thinking. But only in the manner, or in the extent, of the way the mathematician thinks of that, when he refers to that.

''Flavours of thoughts''
It is like someone speaking of the memory of the flavour of a cheese that they ate. For them it is fully meaningful.
Yet, that meaning is significant only within their development/experience, and only with respect to what they try to communicate.
It is as if they call up the memory of the flavour of that cheese in making a recipe for a meal that they might like to cook up.

''Dancing idea(l)s''
For me (O#o) “Mathematics is the score for a choreography for the dance of ideas in our mind.
Like a musical score, which defines how instruments are played in an orchestra.
Yet, every instrument/player/idea and thus every performance/concert/conclusion will be different and unique; determined by context conditions.
The mathematician is not a pianola; the mathematical formula has different effects in every mathematician.

1) ''Mathematical language''
Therein, ‘methinks’, mathematics is no different than language.
A formula is the equivalent of a word.
The meaning of the word/formula depends on how it is spoken.
Yet, the meaning is meaningful only as expression of the underlying ideas.
:''Physical meaning/interpretation''

''2) Mathematics & Mathematicians''
How Matti learned to use mathematics; it worked - no need for understanding.
Then it became clear that those models caused the conflicts in physics (symmetry versus broken symmetry).
By using different mathematical models, the break could be healed.
(In-between reflection: the different forms of science are consequence of different mathematical models)

''3) Mathematics & Models in  Science''
Instead of using four mathematical models for for different forms of science (classical, relativistic, quantum and unified field), Matti uses his same one m model in four different interpretations.
''4) P-adic numbers''
What they are and how they work? It does not seem to matter: Matti uses them and is able to come up with much more simple understanding of much more complex processes in physics.
!The Quantum - The Part is the Whole
In the previous interview it was clear that symmetry and symmetry-break are two parts of the same principle.
Already it has become clear tat every particle is a part of a whole, and must be seen as such: the whole, in part.
Matti has described how p-adic numbers help to describe particles in clusters, by the patterns of the relationship between them.
In this session all of these ideas come together in the concept of the Quantum.

The interview has 3 parts (plus a private evaluation afterwards, for interview optimisation).
# the general concept/idea/image of a quantum.
# the mathematical means to describe/understand the quantum.
# the quantum in physics, and how we can apply the concept.

!1) Concept
The outcome is that the quantum is not an object, nor a quantum leap, nor a choice between multiple quantum states.
It is all of the above; plus more than that: a whole field of options which are possibilities.
This makes the quantum akin to a “zipper” in the ongoing dynamic of creation.
It is a part(icle), fractal, cluster and the whole, all at the same time.

!2) Mathematics
Mathematically this is best described by using the notion of a Spinor; the mathematical formulation of/for a Vortex.
But all of these vortices/spinors are all interconnected: p-adic numbers help to describe that.
As mentioned above: the pattern in the space between the particles (the geometry) is more informative than the number of particles.
This is the basis for the understanding of the relationship between a Quantum and consciousness/coherence.

!3) Physics
That is then also decisive for the physical interpretation/meaning of this concept for the Quantum.
It is NOT the jump between energy states; instead it is the choice between energy potentials.
It is the pattern of (p-adic/spinor/fractal) coherence which matters; not the ‘physical values’.
In fact, with Matti’s model the calculations actually produce the classical measured outcomes; but also show that there exist other possible states.

The next interview will be about consciousness; how we experience/use the quantum in our life.
6/7/12 11:48 AM
i propose:L
1) general understanding
2) Mathematical ideas
3) Physics/modelling
Matti Pitkänen
6/7/12 11:48 AM

Starting point for the general understanding:

1) Symmetry vs Break
2) Field vs Boundary
3) Zero vs One
4) Open System versus Closed System.

What we are dealing with is not two separate realities, but the effect of a dimensional change.
This i represent by the dimensional operator: "#"; "=" + "/ /".
At the moment a dimensional operator acts; the WHOLE dimension changes; for EVERY dimension involved.
This is where we have the explicit formulation of our involvement in creation; in dimensional operation.

Matti, you already described that your quest started by looking at symmetry and symmetry break.
You already mentioned that p-adic numbers helped you 'read between the lines'; see the coherence/spaces in manifestation.
When, how, did you realise that you were in fact dealing with Consciousness.
You spoke of it a bit in "The Formulation of Consciousness"; what was your experience in that meeting?

Symmetry-symmetry breaking.  As a matter fact, the whole business start with the problem: in GRT one loses symmetries and conservation laws and not only these: also the very definition of energy and momentum, conserved or not. Sloppily defined notion of conservation laws was the starting point.

This is just one aspect of the notion of symmetry which is enormously multifaceted concept.

O#o van Nieuwenhuijze
6/7/12 12:07 PM

for which i have a simplification...
6/7/12 12:07 PM

Next episode in this serie:
einstein, planck, schroedinge/gabor, matti
Dual Minkosky vector:
boundary inversion

The Little Lists"; attached texts for this session:

1) fever experience
2) steps of development of the understanding of consciousness, over 20 years
3) mathematical models useful for understanding/modelling consciousness
4) parallels: physics :: consciousness
Matti Pitkänen
6/7/12 1:16 PM

OK. We can start.
6/7/12 1:18 PM

"theories, science, is a quilt blanket: patched pieces"
6/7/12 1:35 PM

A session on quantum biology; and electromedicine.
6/7/12 1:42 PM

4th page for this session as attachment: quantum theory is electromagnetic field dynamics in context
6/7/12 1:47 PM

electric, magnetic, radiation fields; in (genetic) biology
6/7/12 2:04 PM

Feynman diagrams.
Peter Rowlands Algebra
Vanessa Hill genetics
6/7/12 2:05 PM

6/7/12 2:06 PM

"the code of (the language of) nature"
6/7/12 2:09 PM

Vanessa Hill & Peter Rowlands: "Mature's Code".
The dna/amino-acid code; is a communication code.
Liege Paper; Memory and homeopathy.
cell communication (Garyaev); nano scale.
6/7/12 2:14 PM

"Nature's Code"
6/7/12 2:18 PM

electric - instead of gravitational - explanation
6/7/12 2:21 PM

magnetic flux tubes (strings) - 'computing' optimal potential.
multiplexing the phase cycles to materialisation (particles).
6/7/12 4:56 PM
6/16/12 12:00 PM
Hi Matti, welcome
6/16/12 12:01 PM

i suggest that we do a discussion, rather than an interview.
Unless you are ab le to record video (which, in this computer, i can not).
6/16/12 12:02 PM

I would like to make some cross-links, between what you do and what i do: connecting math and physics and consciousness with our body(cells).
A 'thinking out loud
Matti Pitkänen
6/16/12 12:04 PM

Let us try. But remember than I am a fanatic believer in TGD!;-)
6/16/12 12:08 PM

Connection was suddenly lost!
6/16/12 12:09 PM

The connection dropped out
6/16/12 12:09 PM

are you still able to read this?
6/16/12 12:09 PM

or is the line cut completely
6/16/12 12:31 PM

the line drops, can we do the talk on Monday?
6/16/12 12:31 PM

Monday between  9 and 11 amsterdam time?
6/16/12 12:32 PM

i need to leave 10hr30
Matti Pitkänen
6/16/12 12:32 PM

This is OK
O#o van Nieuwenhuijze
6/16/12 12:33 PM

9  o'clock, excekllent
Matti Pitkänen
6/16/12 12:57 PM

sum_n p_nlog(p_n)
6/16/12 12:57 PM

6/16/12 1:22 PM

6/16/12 1:31 PM

6/16/12 1:31 PM

magnetics flux tubes
6/16/12 1:33 PM

(non)differentiation versus symmetry(break)
6/16/12 1:34 PM

soul = sequence of quantum jump divisions decisions
6/16/12 1:35 PM

quantum = proton = cell = universe
sensor, neurone, plexus, brain
6/16/12 1:36 PM

flux tube == dividing cell (the dynamic in phase space)
6/16/12 1:37 PM

hologram == orgone
6/16/12 1:37 PM

hologram = intent; matter is the manifestation/memory of that intent
6/16/12 1:37 PM

hologram = coherence in phase space
6/16/12 1:38 PM

hologram = laser = maser = phaser
6/16/12 1:38 PM

Hologram = DNA (Garyaev)
6/16/12 1:39 PM

cf Tesla field, as described by Tom Bearden; the inverse electromagnetic "radiant" field
6/16/12 1:44 PM

Bruce Lipton
6/16/12 1:45 PM

James Oschman
6/16/12 1:46 PM

Hans von Reckeweg
6/16/12 1:48 PM

sen sor, portal, linking, dna-mantle protein
6/16/12 1:48 PM

forebrain, rear brain, memory, pineal gland
6/16/12 1:50 PM

world image, body image, self image, freedom of choice
6/16/12 1:59 PM

running Qi
6/16/12 2:00 PM

Pei = polluted Qi
6/16/12 2:00 PM

Orgone - Orgasm
6/16/12 2:00 PM

Wilhelm Reich : the function of the Orgasm
6/16/12 2:05 PM
!TGD - DNA - Life - Consciousness
''1) Core Concepts''
''2) Mattimatics''
''3) TGD Physics''

#How did you get to know about DNA: what was your own educated/intuitive understanding f it?
*When you started to develop the mathemaics, did you apply it to DNA also; or later?
*How does TGD make it possible to understand the physics/cohrence of DNA; how do quanta, consciousness and sub-manifolds/p-adics play a role therein?
:In this session we discuss Life.
:We use DNA as a model for description.
:This brings together the [[Quantum]] (which we already discussed) and [[Consciousness]] (which also was found to need a multi layered understanding).
This sessions presents the idea that we can interpret DNA as a Hologram-in-action; which can be described by magnetic Flux Tubes, but must be interpreted as a computation-in-action.

!1 General ideas
thinking - brain functions - neurones/hormones - DNA
sciencing in action
symmetry(break) in action
MU (joint modes)

"Gödel Esher Bach" - MU mode
And the formulation of DNA

linking genetic code to the number 64
Hilbert suggested to connect this to primes.
There would be an infinite hierarchy of coded: 'mimetic".
A more complex version  of the same would be language.

The simplicity of Complexity
Vanessa Hill: Nature's Code
Roberto Renout
Body Cell computations

Mercener Prime

Frequency versus time base

number versus rhythms

2^2-1=3, 2^3-1= 7, 2^7-1= 127, 2^127-1 prime too. What about next ones?


!!2 Mathematics
DNA as geometry
Molecular coherence
Helical strands
Space-time structures

DNA as space-time topology.
(Thus also a information form)

This needs to be connected to fields
(DNA as zipper between fields)

Peter Garyaev: dramatic experiments.
Multi levels of information in DNA

Relationship between EM field radiation and DNA
How does it connect to life; and information fields?

Transcription producing internal/external changes.
Is there coherent (Tesla) radiation; what would it be like?

How can the quantum model help understand this?
It must be based om discrete/digital quantum states.

Quantum DNA must be switching ('a zipper).
Again: symmetry and symmety break (part versus whole)

particle physics with meanng; algebra PLUS geometry.
That requires different representation: (TGD).

Relating electromagnetic field to holograms.
This is where electromagnetic flu tubes are important.
DNA s then a geometry of Flux Tubes;
DNA Strands are the essence: how tubes link up.

They are extensions of the interaction.
This is a structure of Space-Time.

Fractal hierarchy; with coherence over many levels.
See the work of Bruvce Lipton and Lun Margulis.

DNA is a node/zipper in the connecting structure.
It is part of the open/closed flows in the cell/body.

Hologram needs to be redefined:
It is a construct of tubes.

dna particles are connected by flux tubes.
Hologram is a light image - which is dynamic; thus flux  tubes

A Hologram is a space-TIME geometry;
it is a /dynamic/, which is perceived as-if stable

it is the interaction (photon exchange) which matters
It is always in interaction (determined by involvement).

!!3 Physics
Magnetic flux tubes - are the equivalent of 'hologram'.
It makes more sense to talk about the dynamic (flux tubes) than the result (hologram)

Flux  tubes, in that sense are akin to computation -relationships.

Flux tubes define the form of matter 'by their computation'.
Knot theory calls these (liquid crystal) “branes” (membranes).
Any connection is by definition quantum computation.
it is about calculating the interface - the part versus the whole.
It is not a reductionistic computation.
It is, always, interactive - open system.
DNA is 'hardware'; but ...result of the software
Understand the connectedness; the dynamic logic
connecting DNA/Hologram/Flux Tubes to Fields
radiation is non-quantum
classical electromagnetic fields are well known
But ... they are incomplete in their description.
I needs to be connected with 4dimensional surfaces.
Those make more sense in an 8 dimensional domain.
That is a description in itself; to b  taken up later.
Here, the results can be used: flux  tube dynamic coherence
NEXT Time: EM field, Quantum Theory, 8 Dimensions
Matti Pitkänen 12:18
8 dimensions
Call Ended31 minutes 46 seconds
Call Started12:43
4D frequensies
Wave node DNA
Matter - speed of sound
Brain / DNA
archimedes/Aristoteles/Plato - sound = shape (standing/travelling waves)
relative frequencies
= meaning, if he whole resonate in the part
biosphere as music - phase (dis)coherence
"harmony of the spheres"
Next interview, or the one after?
biosphere as music
8 dimensions
Quantum theory - electrodynamic field
Bio harmonics - music of the spheres
Matti Pitkänen 12:57
dimensions 2,3,4. 8 Why?
Cell division -division of magnetic body.
!8D Quantum Harmonics
''1) Core Concepts''
''2) Mattimatics''
''3) TGD Physics''

#Quantum theory - electrodynamic field
#2, 3, 4, 8 dimensions
#Bio harmonics - music of the spheres
In the previous session we discussed how DNA is not a ‘molecule’, but a ‘computer program’; a hologram in action.
In order to understand that better is it necessary to see how that ‘computation’ connects magnetic flux tubes.
At one level we can understand it as circuits, connecting, forming a ‘circuit board’ and a ‘computation’.
But it also requires a shift in understanding: it seems to make more sense if we look at that in ... 8 dimensions.

Also the third part would relate to Garyaev since the experimental input is from him to high degree. Phantom DNA as dark DNA, effects of radiation on DNA and remote replication, transcription etc. Addressing by frequencies using resonance and by flux tubes connecting the systems.  Shared use of DNA’s by pseudo hologram mechanism. DNA, speech and music contra ordinary sound
!Core Curriculum
''1) The curriculum - retracing the steps of the past''
''2) The curriculum - overview of the 4 sections''
''3) The Curriculum - mathematics and models''

:New theories require new understanding.
:Old models can not be used to grasp new insights.

In this interview Matti Pitkänen explains how others can learn what he learned.
Over 35 years Matti explored/developed new ideas, and learned new mathematics.
Much time was invested/spent also in exploring dead ends; roads not to be taken.
It means that whoever follows this curriculum can trace the footsteps on this journey towards understanding TGD; without the detours.

The interview explains the outline of the TGD Curriculum.
First, Matti explains why he suggests this path, to retrace his own learning.
Secondly he explains why he proposes four different course segments.
Finally he describes the mathematics and models that he uses in TGD.

It helps to understand what the course ultimately leads to.
It asks you to stop using old models, and stop thinking in old paradigms.
In order to get new understanding, you need to change your philosophy and way of thinking.
Then, using the new mathematical tools, you will get the new understanding.

That new understanding is ‘holographic’, ''dynamic''.
In that new conceptualisation, your ''involvement matters''.
The descriptions of particle ''physics apply equally for thought'' bubbles (and body cells, and humans in humanity).
In other words: ''it represents a next evolution in science''.


!Dynamic Holograms
TGD looks are the relationship between part(icle)s.
The Classical Particular Point Perspective (CP1) is replaced by CP2.
The Complex Particle, CP2, model comprises the connection between: Flux Funnels.
These can be interpreted in a Meta Maxwell Model, to give a dynamic description of “Holographic dynamics”.
!Lessons for MD"s
1) Core Concepts
2) Mattimatics
3) TGD Physics
!1) Basic ideas
:Introduction by O#o:
:# Symmetry vs Break
:# Field vs Boundary
:# Zero vs One
:# Open System versus Closed System.
:What we are dealing with is not two separate realities, but the effect of a dimensional change.
:This i represent by the dimensional operator: "#" (which is "=" + "/ /").
:At the moment a dimensional operator acts; the WHOLE dimension changes; for EVERY dimension involved.
:This is where we have the explicit formulation of our involvement in creation; in dimensional operation.
:Matty, you already described that your quest started by looking at symmetry and symmetry break.
:You already mentioned that p-adic numbers helped you 'read between the lines'; see the coherence/spaces in/between manifestation.
:When, how, did you realise that you were in fact dealing with Consciousness.
:You spoke of it a bit in "The Formulation of Consciousness"; what was your experience in that meeting?

''Symmetry-symmetry breaking''.

As a matter fact, the whole business start with the problem: in GRT one loses symmetries and conservation laws and not only these: also the very definition of energy and momentum, conserved or not. Sloppily defined notion of conservation laws was the starting point.

This is just one aspect of the notion of symmetry which is enormously multifaceted concept.
:O#o: for which i have a simplification...
::einstein, planck, schroedinger/gabor, matti
::Dual Minkowski vector:
:Boundary inversion

The Little Lists"; attached texts for this session:

1) fever experience
2) steps of development of the understanding of consciousness, over 20 years
3) mathematical models useful for understanding/modelling consciousness
4) parallels: physics :: consciousness
:4th page for this session as attachment: quantum theory is electromagnetic field dynamics in context.

*"theories: science, is a quilt blanket: patched pieces"
*A session on quantum biology; and electromedicine.
*electric, magnetic, radiation fields; in (genetic) biology
*Feynman diagrams.
*Peter Rowlands Algebra
*Vanessa Hill genetics
*"the code of (the language of) nature"

"Nature's Code"
:Vanessa Hill & Peter Rowlands: "Nature's Code".
:The dna/amino-acid code; is a communication code.
:Liege Paper; Memory and homeopathy.
:cell communication (Garyev); nano scale.

electric - instead of gravitational - explanation
:magnetic flux tubes (strings) - 'computing' optimal potential.
:multiplexing the phase cycles to materialisation (particles)
#[[Classical TGD]]
#[[Quantum TGD]]
#[[New Physics]]
#[[New Mathematics]]
[[Matti Pitkänen]]
For the introduction to the interviews i would like to start with following questions:
#A brief ''“Who is Who” of Matti Pitkänen''
#''How did you come to study what you study?''
#''What did you find - in general outline only?''
#''How is it relevant for others - in general?''
In this way, listeners can grasp what motivated you, how you started your quest, what you found, and how they might be able to use it
5/23/12 11:31 AM

Hi Matti, 10hr30; and good morning to you!
5/23/12 12:11 PM

5/23/12 12:12 PM

5/23/12 12:12 PM

5/23/12 12:13 PM 3
5/23/12 12:13 PM
5/23/12 12:14 PM
5/23/12 12:20 PM
5/23/12 3:06 PM

5/23/12 3:09 PM

intuition and consciousness
levels of organisation
5/23/12 3:11 PM

ambitions for greatness
5/23/12 3:17 PM

fascination with the illogical/inconsistency in physics.
5/23/12 3:30 PM

Dan Winter
5/23/12 3:36 PM

change of perspective => different view
not particular, but connected
5/23/12 3:46 PM

Music - patterns
Physics - Mathematics
altered states of consciousness
Cognition of coherence
5/23/12 3:46 PM

consciousness beyond self/mind
5/23/12 3:59 PM

sub-manifold =  quantum

particle = wave

Physics - Mathematics

Geometry/coherence = consciousness
5/23/12 4:25 PM

quantum jump
Einstein - Bohr
model vs magic
determinism - freedom of choice
5/23/12 4:35 PM

memory linking static and dynamic causality
Ontology = state of being: existence
objective / subjective | interactive | consciousness
Newness: freedom of choice (beyond recreation)
5/23/12 4:45 PM

points of view
magnetic fields and incompressible fluid flow
Showing the sciencing of science

Space-time fields

Flux-quanta ontology-states

coherence - fluidity
5/23/12 4:50 PM

consciousness = dynamic/transforming consciousness
5/23/12 5:06 PM

math - physics - biology- consciousness
5/23/12 5:06 PM

quantum jump
5/23/12 5:40 PM

!Who is Matti Pitkänen; why, how, what ...
This is the first of a series of interviews with physicist Matti Pitkänen, in Finland.
I asked him if he was willing to do these interviews ... because i want to understand what he found.
I studied our body, mind souls and spirit, and cane to understand how Freedom of Choice works.
Matti seems to have the physics, and mathematics to be able to describe it: thousands of pages.

I tried to understand it; i tried to read it, i tried to get to know the mathematics he used, and why.
But i ended up somewhat like others reacting to his lavish blogs: "It looks genius, but what does it mean?".
I already had met Matti in a conference; and he joined in on a mini-conference i had arranged.
So i decided to ask Matti if i could interview him ... so i, and you, can understand.

The first interview was an open exploration, with four general questions as a thread.
Each question was answered in a separate section; one after the other.
In that manner you can listen to it in smaller segments/portions.
But in that way we also avoid quality loss of Skype conversations (typical after 40 minutes).

In the first segment i discovered that Matti is at heart an artist: music speaks to him.
But, he found, music does a direct appeal to feeling; but it also has a structure; a logic.
That, he found, is also found in mathematics and physics - which he thus studied.
In fact he had big ambitions - for which Finland did not have all that much place.

In the second segment i learned that it was not all that fun at the university, then.
There was a clear beauty and fascination to mathematics; but physics was in conflict.
On the one hand theories claimed continuity, on the other hand they clamoured for discontinuity.
Out of dissatisfaction, Matti found a mathematical approach which made understanding the conflict simple.

The third segment was interesting in that it was based on a feverish period .. of two weeks with fever.
Matti discovered - like so many others - that he could access understanding beyond his own.
He found he could converse with an intelligence much larger than his own life and body.
It showed him that what he had found for physics, evidently applied to consciousness also.
5/23/12 5:49 PM

The fourth part of the conversation explored how that insight can be understood by others.
The need of using different mathematics/tools/thinking, to come to different conclusions.
The way Newton, Einstein, Planck, Bohr & Gabor helped think in different way to come to new insights>
And that that is perhaps the core of it all: to understand how the universe is in ongoing creation (of which we form part).

After these interviews we evaluated our conversation; and explored how we can best continue.
We decided in a fixed time for the interviews - 10hr30-12hr00 on Thursdays every week.
With, at some times open descriptions by Matti on how he came to new insights.
But also, very direct questions by O#o to come to understand the ideas in more detail.

The interviews are collected and presented in the, in the section /matti.pitkanen.
These notes accompany every interview; so that others can learn from this also.
Overall, this will be a course in understanding the research and findings of Matti Pitkänen.
As told by Matti himself; with reference to his books and websites as needed.

It is an open curriculum.
You are welcome to enroll.
Just follow the links you find here.
And enjoy the experience of sciencing: witnessing science in the making.
5/24/12 11:34 AM
''//“If you understand what the word means, you already understand most of what is meant”//''.

This Glossary summarises words and terms; please take time to let the meaning sink in.
In this Glossary, you also find a brief explanation why the concept is important in TGD.

[[p-adic numbers]]
[[Mersenne Primes]]
[[Meta Maxwell Models]]
[[Dynamic Hologram]]
[[Magnetic Flux Funnels]]
!TGD: Topological Geometric Dynamics
A 8-Dimensional formulation for physics, biology and consciousness
''“Sciencing” is MUCH more important than science''.
Science purports to present facts, so-called objective findings.
Scientific objects however are linguistic objects: Models.
They convey the (new) understanding of scientific explorers.

These interviews with Matti Pitkänen demonstrate the making of science.
They trace the trail of changing insights, wrong and right, toward new insight.
The listener/reader/student can thus follow the turns of thoughts, and insight.
Especially the changes in the lines of thoughts are crucial for the new understanding.

Each interview explores a step/stage in the development of ideas.
Each session explores 3 levels: 1) personal, 2) mathematics, and 3) physics.
All are mean to provide a general understanding of the concepts.
In each case, further material is available elsewhere (
Matti Pitkänen:
[[2012.05.23]] Matti Pitkänen
[[2012.05.24]] Mattimathics
[[2012.05.31]] Quantum (the Point is All)
[[2012.06.07]] Consciousness
[[2012.06.21]] Life
[[2012.07.05]] Curriculum
[[2012.07.01]] Harmonics
[[2012.07.12]] Holograms
[[2012.07.19]] Medicine
The discussion notes are appended to each interview date item.


math = model = method = 'machine-thinking'
A machine, a tool, an technique, a reflex.
5/24/12 11:37 AM

mathematician - machining - mind - 'magic'
a means, a for minding, making ideas; choice
5/24/12 11:40 AM

visual, geometry, metaphor, dimensional
mathematic is a manifestation of mind
5/24/12 11:42 AM

mind scapes
different states of mind
5/24/12 12:04 PM

geometrise= ?
Hyperdimensional = ?
5/24/12 12:05 PM

looking for coherence
looking into complexity
5/24/12 12:33 PM

minimal surface; soap bubble
Maxwell field, minimalised

General: submanifold makes it possible to visualise this; no longer minimal surfaces, it needs a dimensional constant; instead: use dimensionel constant.
Gauge field really helped.
Special: no gravitation; submanifolds accomodate for the symmetries; with point equivalence. (lorents transformations; minkovski spaces) Mini-manifolds
6D vs 4D, Pointcare

Quantum Theory;
Next levels of abstraction; described as wave functions; multiple states in coincidence.
repalace points by surfaces, as sets. Bohr. infinite geometrised.

Field Theory (Information)
Consciousness, as separate from measurement; and predictions. Beyond statistical interpretation of multiple values.
Bring in the observer - explicit implicit in the description. in the ongoing recreation.
The deep end... ontology
5/24/12 1:15 PM

p-adic numbers
Higgs mechanism
P-adics gives totally different approach; limiting possibilities
5/31/12 11:31 AM
[[Matti Pitkänen]]
[[What's New?!]]
!1) Who is Matti Pitkänen?
Finish Phycisist, living in Hanko.

!2) How did Matti come to study Physics?
because music has such beautiful patterns, like mathematics and physics.

!3) Why did Matti develop a new model for Physics?
Because physics presents a paradox.

Matti played music, discovered the harmonics in it, and discovered that mathematics and physics describe it.
However, in the university he discovered that the mathematics which was taught was inconsistent: on the one hand it addressed continuity, and on the other hand abrupt change.
He sought a way to resolve the contradiction; and found the solution in the incomplete descriptions (‘sloppy mathematics/physics’).
By ‘repairing’ the basic equations the problem was solved and, also, algebra and geometry became one: “TGD”.

This leads to the question: 
!4) “of what use is that for anybody one else?”.

 It applies, literally, to our body, and consciousness. Life as we live it.

!Meta Maxwell Models - quantum theory and EM fields

1) ontology
2) Mattimathics
3) TGD physics

Electromagnetism and quantum theory
first i found the sub-manifolds;
later i found that the electric filed could be geometrised
The Maxwell theory is linear, simple, with easy solutions
Two fields are unified in one; relativity makes that elegant and beautiful

there are 4 basic linear equations
1) electric charge is conserved; locally
2) magnetic monopoles/charges do not exist
3) dynamics of electric charges (sources of electric fields; as currents)
4) Faraday's law: magnetic field charge motions (used in electric generators)

The gauge theory is important
it describes weak, electromagnetic and strong interaction
Maxwell theory is a limiting case of it (it ignores weak and strong interactions)
This already implied gauge fields; plane geometric surfaces
This was already described as fibre bundles; not explained now

in 2D bundles are easy to understand; as tangent planes
The bundle is formed by assigning a tangent plane to each point on the sphere
The same can be done in time-space - Higgs field is but one example of this.
Te Gauge potential helps describe that (in 4D Minkovski vectors)

Electric and magnetic field can be described in this way; relating points in fields;
That helped understand electro-magnetic fields, in Riemann geometry
That could be looked at differently via sub-manifold models in CP2 8D
This uses spinor fields, and spinor connectors; counterpart of electromagnetic and weak potentials.
This can be projected on 4D Space-Time sheets; thus allows for describing motion: dynamics
This resolves the space-timeless quantum theoretical perspective.

This makes the laws equivalent to hydrodynamic - with momentum conversation; bookkeeping
as an image..:
sub-manifolds was the start; after that the other insights, as images, followed, automatically
I call the resulting view hydrodynamics; because they are like that, with  full conservation.
That led me to a finding i made this year - i could have found it 33 years ago.
There are 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 degrees of freedom: 16.
In CP2, in 4D, only 4 field variables come into play.
In the many-sheethed space-time there is superposition of field from different sources.

We do not need superposition of fields, but only of the effects.
The space time sheets then form parallel space time, 10**-30 [m]
Their interaction/relationship can be compared/correlated/computed
That makes it different from the standard Maxwell Equation
It seems similar to network computing; and system theory

The Meta Maxwell Model elated to  the dynamic hlogram model.
The Maxwell field is now non-linear, projected from CP2
I can take constant magnetic fields, piecewise; as flux tubes.
It is thus not an infinite Maxwell space; but quantised
The radiation field composes in rays; same for electric fields
It is topological field quantisation.
Magnetic flux tubes are example, in biology
And light rays

Gauge potential has 4 components, with all possible values; cf Minkovski
CP2 is compact; has finite size only
Gauge potential this must be embedded in this; infinite mapped on finite
That is akin to the limitation of classical theory by relativity

The gauge metric is 4D, with 10 components
with all possible values from minus to plus infinity
I apply the Bohr approximation
it is a harmonic induction

Gauge Potential theory are defined in Riemann Geometry
They vector the relationship between two points; for comparison.
The vectors can be compared also; by mapping them on a different space.
I use the same, but now use CP2, which has spinor connections

it has a geometric simplicity
cf Adams geometry of Raum & Gegenraum
Cf also the dual resonance models
now, 4 parameters suffices

what is the mathematics; and how does it become computable?
Maxwell theory has now weak charges also; with spin
Gluons can be added, to account for the strong interactions.
Sources can be associated with fields
Electrodynamics is a qualisation of/for this; beyond the linear model

the theory is simple; the qauge field is quantised, can be calculated
Feynman diagrams can be used
The Higgs field - said to be found, i doubt it - ties in with this.
Their mathematics is horrible, ugly, and not needed in TGD

i can truly solve the equations, and see how they relate to string models.
in 4D, yet solvable, quantifiable; it will boil down to precise rules.
Most important is the classical ontology; seen differently
For example: magnetic flux tubes prove to be an important link

cf The Electric Universe.
the core mathematical models/equations
Basically it is the Maxwell equation; but now non-linear
I look for the maxima and minima; and replace E and B by hydrodynamic equivalents

The challenge is to find the solutions without computation
Gravitation needs to be included; making it too complex for computations
I use classical theory - to simplify the situation; and to be able to understand the models.
I found vacuum solutions - that was unexpected - without infinite gauge potentials
Instead i have an analogue, without equivalence; every situation is unique.
There are 4 D spin classes - with vacuum extremes 0 which turns out to be trivial, and important; non-trivial deformations

There is also a solution of string-like objects, with a different space-time property.
They are 4D CP2 forms - in cosmology they are magnetic monopoles with flux tubes.
I get topological monopoles; from the holes in the CP2 formulation
They come in pairs - they are very small

Jones - magnetic monopole device
Rene Thom - cusps
The monopole filaments can change in thickness; they are important in biology
They operate between different scales: atoms, molecules, cells, galaxies
The topological light rays are limiting cases
They have CP2 projection, and are magnetic fields AND gauge fields
They preserve their states, in a single direction
The solutions can be generalised

This gives mathematical connections to string equations, with minimal area
They are effectively fields - with elegant solutions
Conformal invariance; offers algebraic identity
With symmetry properties, which are 4D solvable

that describes classical gravitation; as generalisation.
That gives hopes that the model can be generalised
Details are still to be worked out.
These solutions are most important.

Minkovsky space with field variance describes all classical fields
all are connected, in this approach
The field patterns are basic - self-organising/autopoietic best describes them
This represents information; eeg represents thoughts - thus meaning - though reading is possible

electro-magnetic and magneto-electric
closed system, material
open system, informational

Bill Tiller looked into that difference;
magnetic flux tubes are correlates
They connect, across scales and between dimensions
Intent is an example of a flux tube
Flux tubes define involvement

they correlate to negentropic entropy; cognition, information, coherence
nerve impulses represent that same principle/concept

life is the coherencing of flux tubes into ' circuit boards'.
this is the relationship between mathematics and physics
Like CP2/Cell and Flux Tubes / cell divisions
The cell divisions form the body dynamic/coherence
Flux funnels form connections for materialisation

gravitational and electromagnetic are aspects of the same; on the same surfaces
There is only the dynamics of the surfaces; as oscillations
The geometrodynamics gives everything; they are not dual; but one of the same.
The correlates are transformation functions; flux tubes at different scales
are they connecting consciousness: possibly

Light velocity is no problem here.
Observation is part of biology.
Geology is recalculation of proton/electron configurations

the electron field gives ADP-ATP energy
it is a primordial force in life/creation
Thus metabolism is an EM phenomenon.
Biology, and gravity, is an EM dynamic

this is tied in with consciousness
manifestation = computation
next time : lesson for doctors
Then, computing consciousness

light - EM - Chemistry - Physics
flux tube - fractal - 'circuit board' - 'network'
Flux Tubes are resonant links
(Molecules are signal-spectrum)

1) what doctors know now
2) how Mattimathics might help doctors
3) how TDG might help get there
(there is a theory now)
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
8D Mathematical Modeling of Consciousness & Life | [[SoL]] | [[SIG]] | Donations
Matti Pitkänen
!Welcome to this - tiddlywiki - Holoversity learning website.

Here you can find, and follow, the lessons by Matti Pitkänen.
You find a brief summary per session, plus the audio/video recording.

//See also//: [[Matti's Websites]] - [[$upport]] the work of Matti Pitkänen
Matti Pitkänen studied mathematics and physics - seeking to understand the logic of music.
He realised that ‘sloppy mathematics’ was the reason for the illogicality of continuum and non-continuum models in physics (symmetry and Symmetry Break).
He studied the problem, and found the solution in New Mathematics (Number Theory, and Number Physics).
He calls his solution TGD (Topological Gemetric Dynamics); which applies to mathematics, physics, biology, and consciousness.

!!The Interviews:
|[2012.05.23] |Who is Matti Pitkanen? |
|[2012.05.24] |Mattimathics |
|[2012.05.31] |The Quantum |
|[2012.06.07] |Consciousness |
|[2012.06.21] |Life - DNA - Hologram |
|[2012.07.05] |Bio-Harmonics - 8 Dimensions |
|[2012.07.01] |Core Curriculum |
|[2012.07.12] |[[ Meta-Maxwell Models]]: Dynamic Holograms |

Every interview has 3 sections:
# General ideas
# Mattimathics
# TGD Physics

Each interview page has the notes we made during the conversation.
Attached to every interview-overview are added insights.
Some are email exchanges, elaborating ideas which were discussed.
Some are URL’s pointing to where more information may be found.

The interviews are collected and will be presented in the, in the section /matti.pitkanen.
Notes accompany every interview; so that others can learn from this also.
Overall, this will be a course in understanding the research and findings of Matti Pitkänen.
As told by Matti himself; with reference to his books and websites as needed.

It is an open curriculum.
You are welcome to enroll.
Just follow the links you find here.
And enjoy the experience of sciencing: witnessing science in the making.

!!The Curriculum
Matti Pitkänen designed a Core Curriculum to get to understand his work:
#Classical TGD
#Quantum TGD
#New Physics
#New Mathematics
See also:
Turning points
It took Matti Pitkänen 35+ years to develop the integral TGD theory.
This work was done outside of academic settings, to ensure independent research.
Fruitless quests, as usual in research, formed part of this research project.
For those who wish to understand this work, it is necessary to understand the Turning Points, where Matti Pitkänen needed other solution than the standard options.
| Date|Input |h
|2023.04.28 |Website converted to widdlywiki file. |
|2012.07.08 |The website is divided into 4 sections: The [[Interviews]], The [[Curriculum]], [[Background Information|Backgrounds]] and [[Links]] |
|2012.05.21 |Start of this Temporary Website on the research of [[Matti Pitkänen]]; this is to become part of |