Essays by O#o

The Matter of Water

Water; the hidden dimensions
O#o van Nieuwenhuijze

This is a book about water.

Water is fundamental and essential in our life. Our life and consciousness depends mainly on water. Our body is composed mainly of water. Many people do not realise how important this is. Even many doctors do not know the importance of water, and that you can heal the body with water.
Japanese doctor Masaru Emoto knew from his own practice that water, alone can heal many diseases. He set out to show what homeopaths too have been applying as matter of daily practice: water can be used to inform, remind, the body of its on inner health.

Water can do this because it can store information: water is a liquid crystal. It is the same property of matter that is now being used in LCD (Liquid-Crystal Display) screens. The water in (y)our body cells is not liquid, but more akin to a gel (in computing such materials are called Intelligent Gels). Water not only stores information: it is a form of information. This book shows how that is the case: how all matter is a form of information; how the universe as a whole is information in formation. (Pun is Fun.)

By understanding water, we can understand more of the universe as a whole: in water we see the same changes in material Phases (solid, liquid, gas, plasma) as we see in the universe as a whole (in reversed order: Big Bang, Cosmic Gas, Liquid Stars, Solid Planets). By looking at water we can therefore more easily grasp and understand the same principles as we see in the manifestation of the universe around us. But also: within us: our body as a whole is Solid, Liquid, Gas and Plasma. What matters, is not the matter that it is composed of, but the way it changes phases, in physical manifestation.

This brings out an important point to be made clear: living organisms – like you yourself – are not composed of the same matter that classical physics has studied. Quite the contrary: classical physics assumed matter to be inert, thus dead. All the matter in your body is alive, or the result of the life that excreted the matter that your body (e.g. bones) is composed of.

This book describes the nature of water. But in doing so it describes the nature of consciousness in matter; of which water is our most easily graspable example.
We all have experience with it in our own life and being.
We can all apply this in our own life and healing.

This book is fundamental; but practical also.

A book about the esoteric qualities of water and its applications in health, healing, ecology and awareness. Water has much more to offer than the basic qualities in terms of purity, acidity, conductivity, pollution, mineral content and other 'classic' physical and chemical yardsticks. There are other energies, structures, information contained in and related to water. Some of these are recognised and known throughout history, holy water has been part of most cultures and religions, but the rational Cartesian scientific model has discarded that as unmeasurable and therefore bogus.
However, the 'hidden' qualities of water have intrigued many people and although not common knowledge, a kind of esoteric water science has emerged. Energy-water, Bovis scale, restructuring, clustering, micro-crystals, information storage in water, there are many angles.

One of the emerging insights in the deeper complexity of creation is that there are dimensions or qualities beyond the tangible that do influence us as human beings, our relationship with each other, our environment or even the cosmos at whatever scale. Some elements seem to be more 'connected' in this sense than others, like gold, precious stones, incense and water, some forms like crystals have more power, some processes like light and fire. These qualities are practically acknowledged and used in many ways, but have not received much scientific attention, at least in mainstream science. New and promising methods in measuring and detection of these energies or qualities are emerging, but there is as yet little co-operation.

The purpose of this book is to bring together the views of scientists, developers, specialists and entrepreneurs with an interest in these more esoteric dimensions of water. Data about these mostly hidden dimensions, stories about the researchers and their projects, contacts, equipment, measuring devices, methodology,  will could help reach new insights in what water really is and how it can be used. This includes a whole gamut of water aspects, ranging form the more or less 'technical' orientation to the very esoteric. The book doesn’t shy away from the ‘nscientific’  and at least gives some space to those being able to charge water, gauge water quality, see water aura/radiation or perform water rituals.

Outline/Topics of the book:

For the moment a relevant structure/outline could be:

  • water: what is it beyond H2O
  • water: some personal experiences with it
    -information: just bits or the glue that holds everything together, quantum physics, the deeper structures of water
  • the water-heroes, benvaniste, Emoto, Schauberger, homeopathy, the Russians Profs. Kussakov & Deryagin “Poly Water”, a term coined by them to describe the macromolecular clusters of water under certain conditions.  etc.
  • the historical appreciation of water, rituals, holy water, miracle water, the holy sources, Hunza
  • the new waters (modern approaches) like VIVO, polywater
    -measuring physical qualities
    -measuring esoteric qualities like Bovis scale
  • studies and results
    -the healing angle
  • the ecological angle
    -water; treatment, processing, charging;  traditional
  • water: treatment etc. in a more open setting, flowforms, spirals, shells, restructuring
    -the experiments: what can we do, even on a small scale, with water: energy, magnetism, potentiating
  • water at home, how to improve the quality of water in your house.
  • Invitation and Requests
    We invite those with an interest in water and its esoteric and other-dimensional qualities to participate in this book by supplying a chapter or a small piece about their personal interest and experience in water. Suggestions are welcome at
  • specifically:
    - do you have good weblinks we can share
    - do you have published or unplublished papers that are relevant
    - do you have equipment or devices that should be included in the section on apparatus
    - do you have specific capabilities or gift that are pertinent to water
    - can you contact other water-affionado's/experts or give their email adresses
    - do you have water samples with special qualities that we can test 

“Criticisms centered around the vanishingly small number of solute molecules present in a solution after it has been repeatedly diluted are beside the point, since advocates attribute their effects not to molecules present in the water, but to modifications of the water's structure. Simple-minded analysis may suggest that water, being a fluid, cannot have a structure of the kind that such a picture would demand. But cases such as that of liquid crystals, which while flowing like an ordinary fluid can maintain an ordered structure over macroscopic distances, show the limitations of such ways of thinking. There have not, to the best of my knowledge, been any refutations of memory that remain valid after this particular point is taken into account….it attests to the limited vision of the modern scientific community that, far from hastening to test such claims, the only response has been to dismiss them out of hand.”
BRIAN D. JOSEPHSON, University of Cambridge, Nobel Laureate, Physics

The Matter of Water

Before we look at water, it is practical, very practical, to look at matter.

Matter as we know it is a rare phenomenon in this universe.
A brief history of the universe may help make this clear:

It all started with a Big Bang; thus before a Big Bang.


The Big Bang was a change in something, a none-thing (or no-thing) that existed before. As it is a no-thing, it cannot be described (because words refer to things).
Yet, this phase of no-thing-ness is full of information: it is that in formation that put this universe in formation. What has formed since is but a result of this.


Once the Big Bang had taken place – by whichever way that came to be – the universe was electrified, and full of magnetic attractions. Literally: at that time the universe was nothing more, no less, than an immense thundercloud, of positive and negative and interrelated charges. Only Energy.
All charges and discharges that we know now are based on this phase in universal manifestation.


It is hard to say how long that period lasted, because in a sense it is time-less. The thundercloud is full of energy, but so full of motions within motions; before atoms come into existence there is no regularity, no repetition: nothing to measure time. Time comes into the equation as a result of the teaming up of electrons and protons in a way physics says cannot exist: the Perpetuum Mobile. Atoms are excellent examples of this: once created, they are thought to continue their existence forever. The simplest atom is composed of an electron and a proton; the one circling the other. This is the moment of birth of Time. And one of the components of water: H (Hydrogen). Larger molecules are expansions of this simple concept: more electrons around more protons, yet: always in balance. With as many electrons as protons. The universe as a while is an immense calculation, equation, in which this balance is always lost and regained. This is the basis of creation.
Once this teaming up started to take place, electrons and protons became close to each other, in a steady relationship. This was the birth of chemistry and the stars: drops that formed out of the thunderclouds that existed before.


In the stars a chemical brewing takes place: processes at different time scales mingle like notes in some kind of celestial music: a giant sing song of atoms interweaving into each other. Loops of Electrons-plus-protons connect up, due to which larger atoms can be formed. Oxygen is one of the examples of this. The loops of those larger atoms can interconnect, by which molecules can be formed. Water is one of the many examples of this.


Water is a curious substance: Hydrogen and oxygen are its two components.

Hydrogen is in essence a simple single proton, circling an electron. It is the minimal atom that can exist. It is basically simply an electron, in orbit. The basic material of manifestation. Before the existence of the electron, there was no manifest reality in existence. Only changes in creation.

Oxygen too is a remarkable substance. Phil Callahan pointed out that Gorter already had shown that there is a fundamental property in nature called Paramagnetism. It is an ordering effect that takes place around some forms of matter: they create coherent electromagnetic (energy) fields. As a result, for example, paramagnetic rocks can enhance the quality of growth in a garden. (The work of Phil Callahan is recommended reading.)

    The importance of water is not that it is composed as H2O (two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom), but as 2 H2O: two water molecules normally are in close connection. This is a result of their shape. The Hydrogen atoms are at an angle of 105° with respect to each other, which gives the water molecule a kind of boomerang shape. As a result, two molecules are normally found together as one hand clasping another. Between them they take up less space, yet have room to move with respect of each other.

This last bit is very important: the water molecules link up two-by-two; and are thereby determined by the angle of 105° that the hydrogen atoms make with respect to the oxygen in each water molecule. But is that angle changes ever so slightly, the relative position between the two water molecules will change also.

An image may help to make clear how much energy/information can be stored in slight changes of angle. It can be felt when you clasp your hand an ever so slightly change the curvature of one hand: the other hand will also need to change curvature for the both of them to stay fitted. Between the hands you can feel that the opening between the pal of your hands gets larger or smaller. That is what is represented in the image below.

Image: magnetic and electric line not crossing at zero-point

The importance of this image lies in the way the lines do not cross (normally) at the zero point. As a result, an immense amount of information can be contained in and around a simple single point. It is the information that matters, literally. It is the change in information (yes/no crossing in/around the zero point) that determines the energy. It can even determine the changes in polarity of the energy as small fluctuations can put the balance from one side to the other, thus plus to minus or inverse, in equating the balance.

This phenomenon is called the Zero point. The changes in balance and the effect on polarities and charges is called Zero Point Energy. It may be clear that very small changes at this level have huge consequences for the structure and coherence of matter. Peter Rowlands has developed a mathematics for this: it is all based on the calculation of the number zero; and the need to maintain a balance (which means that all calculations must return to zero), This is definitely something for aficionados, but fundamental for those who wish to understand the nature of the interplay between matter and information.

The above is very important:

    There are many people who try to explain reality as if it is a material object: a thing. They do this in part because of a limitation of language: it makes use of speaking about things (Maturana & Varela).

    That is why the above said that the universe starts before the Big Bang. Only then is it immediately clear that Information is the basis of anything (and every nothing) in existence. From Information follows energy, which again leads to time and then space.

This is such a fundamental and important concept that it is spelled out, again, by itself:

Information => energy => time => space

By understanding this concept it is also immediately clear why water can store information: water is information, like everything else that we perceive in the universe as a whole.

(At this point an aside is of importance: there are people who say that the universe is a running-down clockwork. They quote the Second Law of Thermodynamics for this purpose. They forget to notice that in ‘running down’, the energy that is ‘lost’ leads to a gain in complexity of coherence. While the level of energy seems to go down, the degree of intelligence (coherence) in manifestation goes up. We have ever more, ever more complex, ever more refined life forms.)

This is important because water plays a fundamental role in creating life forms. This will be explained in the next section, pointing out how we came from minerals to plans to animals to people.


  • This section described that the universe starts with information. The Big Bang is a change in coherence which leads to the emergence of Energy; the Thundercloud phase of creation. This condensed into stars by the creation of atoms; and Time at the same time. This again congealed into the form of planets and matter.
  • Water combines the principles of motion (H) and coherence (O) in its molecular structure.
  • Water exists most often as 2H2O, which means that the relationship between the two molecules can determine the behaviour of water as a fluid. Small changes in the relationship between the two molecules reflect important changes in energy and coherence.
  • Important is that energy and information are always in balance; modern mathematics is elaborating the descriptions needed to describe this in detail.

Related topics:

  • Water of Life (minerals, plants, animals, humans)
  • Water: the alchemical perspective (solid, liquid, gas, plasma)

Water as Matter

  • Ice, Water, Mist and Steam

Water has the same properties as all matter. Its matter is composed of Molecules, which is composed of Atoms, which is a form of Information.

    The sub-atomic principles (of Phase Space) determine the forms of the atoms.
    Atoms are simple ´circles´ of electromagnetism (electrons, protons, and more).
    Molecules are clusters of Atoms.
    Matter is formed by clusters of molecules.

Each time it is the organisation that determines the form.

The principles involves at these small, sub-microscopic to subatomic levels can all be seen in water.

In water they are seen, and known, as the Phases of Water: ice, water, mist and steam.

This is a very important concept, so let’s again spell it out:

Ice, Water, Mist and Steam.

Phases of Matter, in Water

Physics now calls these phases: Solid, Liquid, Gas and Plasma.

These are in principle the same, albeit in reversed order, as what we saw in the section on “the Matter of Water”. There it was described as Information, Energy, Time and Space, by the development of (pre-) Big Bag, Cosmic Gas (the Thundercloud), Stars and the Planets. Such as Earth.

At a more fundamental level this is thus simply a change in manifestation of coherence.

More important than the changes of water – or matter – is the reasons for change.

All these changes take place because there are changes in the context. This changes in the equation of balance. As this balance shifts, so does the form of manifestation of information.

This again is very important: matter is information in formation. It is a manifestation of information. As the ‘universe cools down’, information in matter ‘heats up’. The level of information in manifestation increases. There are ever more complex forms of manifestation. This is also seen in the way information is seen to be more important in matter. This can be seen in the emergence of minerals, plants, animals and humans; which will be described in a separate chapter.

This can be seen in water: water changes shape, form and manifestation according to the way the conditions around it change. When the heat or pressure goes up, water adapts and becomes more fluid, vapour, plasma. When the ambience cools down water assumes its own shape, determines by its own inner structure, and memories of its last context.

Liquid Crystal

Water has memory: indeed. Water is memory. Water, by its nature is a Liquid Crystal. That is the kind of matter that computer LCD screens arte made of. It is at the same time Solid, and it is Liquid.

This is the case at all levels: water, under the microscope, is simultaneously liquid and solid. In liquid water there are little crystals, which travel through the water like needles. This is known as Micro Ice. More will be describe about this when we look at water from the perspective of Physics.

Water as a whole too is thereby Liquid and Crystal. It can change shape between these states, when the circumstances change. This has been mentioned above.

    What needs to be added to this understanding is the way this relates to the sub-title of this book: “The Hidden Dimensions”. The changes of state, which are changes of Phase, are changes in Dimensions. (This will be described in a separate chapter.)

In short: we describe dimensions are patterns of coherence. The notion of dimension is often associated with Geometry (but it is a much more fundamental principle in its own rights).

In Geometry it is said that we define a Point, a Line, a Plane and a Volume.
These are said to have different Dimensions.
It is more practical to realise that these Dimensions are changes with respect to internal forms of coherence.


This will later be shown – in its separate chapter – to be related to changes in degrees of inner freedom.


Dimensional Analysis (as this research is called) is not about the nature of Dimensions (1D, 2D, 3D, 4D and so on) but about the changes between them.

This is the same as seen in Water.

Water is  so important (see: “The Water of Life”) not because it has different phases (drops, streams, lakes, atmosphere) but because of the changes between them.

The Hidden Dimensions of Water all are the result of this essence: the transformations between the states of water, reflect changes in the coherence of nature. When the environment changes, so does water. Water reflects, in its form, the changes of Nature. In water we can se how the environment changes. This can be seen in the micro ice, under the microscope. It can be macroscopically seen when you can skate in the mist on ice that – in summer – is water you can swim in.

Homeopathy is an application of this property of water, to store information of its context in its own inner organisation, thus structure (as thus does all matter: matter is a state of information).


Research – how to do your own

Jacques Benveniste – the Memory of Water

The research by Jacques Benveniste is famous. Alas, he was made infamous at the same time as a result of which his work did not make the impact on society that it deserved. In short, these were his findings:

  • Water carries the information of materials it has contained; even if those materials have been diluted beyond the number of Avogadro. That is, it has been diluted so much that none of the material can be chemically found in the water. Yet, living cells respond to this water as if it is the material that it contained.
  • The information carried in the water is electromagnetic. It can be stored on the hard disk of a PC and transmitted elsewhere via a modem.
  • The information that is stored in water is susceptible to handling, literally. The people who hold the water can enhance or erase the signal that it contains.

The last is also the explanation for what befell Jacques Benveniste. This can perhaps be summarised simplest as Character Assassination. Once the findings of Jacques Benveniste were published, in the journal Nature, a team of editors of that same journal came to his lab accompanied by a man said to be a ‘defrauder of science’. After having seen Jacques Benveniste perform two successful experiments, they insisted on doing the experiment themselves on their own; which failed. This is not surprising: any study in science requires skill and expertise and requires understanding and training. Yet, instead of accepting this failure as being a sign of a shortcoming of their own expertise, they presented it as a failure of the experiment, which it was not. Later Jacques Benveniste created a robot that could do the experiments for him, to overcome the influence and bias of the researchers.

Jacques Benveniste’s research has been studied by many scientists. One of these, Cyril Smith, had been at the Lab before and after the visit of the team of Nature; and had found that the information that had been in the water prior to that visit was no longer there later. The work of Jacques Benveniste on the Enhancers and Erasers seems to be the explanation for what had taken place.

Masaru Emoto - The Message of Water

Masaru Emoto is a medical doctor living in Japan. Realising that he was able to heal many diseases using only water, he took interest in showing why this could be the case. It led to an exploration by which he was able to show that water crystallises, as do snowflakes, in different forms depending on their context. It is often said that the form of the snow flake depends on specs of dust around which crystallisation commences; together with the temperature differences and humidity when that happens. The work of Masaru Emoto points in a different direction: it is the inner organisation itself that comes in view when the crystallisation takes place. (This finding is very similar to the phenomenon known as the Collapse of the State vector, in Quantum Physics.) He was able to take pictures, at present published in 2 books, which show the forms of those snow flakes for water reflecting differences in treatment. Water from sacred wells and rivers was compared to distilled water and tap water. Water exposed to colours, music, spoken and written words all showed to result in differently shaped crystal. Each time 50 samples were compared and discarded if no similarities found within the batch. If sameness was seen, than a most representative example was published.

These are the most important findings:

  • Water that is exposed to harmonic conditions show elaborate crystals.
  • Water that is exposed to non-harmonic condition looses its ability for structured crystallisation. It forms an amorphous blob.
  • What we think and communicate affects water.
  • Considering that we are predominantly composed of water, what we communicate and thinks will also affect us.

What is described for water, can be extended by inference to all matter: what we think affects all matter. It implies a responsibility on how we think and behave. This is the essence of what Masaru Emoto calls the Message from Water.

Two types of research are related to these findings: the measurement of neuro-feedback, and the images shown by Dan Winter. (See the Appendix.) They help understand what is meant by ‘harmonic conditions’.

David Schweitzer – The Shadow Image of Water

Then water evaporates, just before it dries up and disappears, it forms a thin film which reflects (polarised) light to show an image which – under the microscope – appears to be characteristic for the properties of water. The images that are formed offer yet again insight in the experience of water. Water that has been treated differently, again, has different forms.
In this case, the ‘neutral’ water is seen as a general ‘starry sky’. Any kind of treatment of water leads to characteristic different pictures. Often these seem to correspond to the environment they were exposed to, sometimes such similarities cannot be discerned.

Kripplin – The Art of Water


Hans Jenny - Cymatics

This work is a variation to some ancient Chinese devices, in which a brass basin was filled with water and two large handles were rubbed, bringing out string patterns of vibration of the water surface.
This can likewise be done with vibration of metal plates sprinkled with sand, or flames exposed to the sound of e.g. musical instruments. The vibrations of the sound can be seen amplified in the flame, the sand or the water. To help understand how this happens, please look up the section on Moiré Patterns in the Appendix.

Alexander Lautenwasser – Sound Shapes in Water

Alexander Lautenwasser rings true to his name (SoundWater): he studied in motion in result to stimulation by sound. This elaborates the work done by Hans Jenny on Cymatics.
The figures shown in his work are interesting because they show, at a large scale, the same models and concepts of wave fields as used for conceiving the shapes of atoms. Below are comparisons between the text book descriptions on P and S atomic orbits and the form shapes of water,

Thiebaut Moulin – The Geometry of Homeopathy

Viktor Schauberger – Unknown properties of water

Laboratory Hygiene – how to work with water

The above makes very clear that water is very responsive to the way it is treated. Again: it is perhaps not surprising that water plays such an important role in our body.

The work of Rudolph Haushka en the findings in Recent advances in Natal Astrology are relevant:
Rudolph Hauschka showed that water that has been exposed to the light of a lunar eclipse, when fed to plants, shows differences in the plant growth.
Recent Advances in Natal Astrology describes how water used in cleaning projects could not be used in the same way around full moon. (It has been found that around full moon the admissions to psychiatric institutions increase, suggesting that the same holds for the properties of the water in our bodies. Again: see the work of Masaru Emoto in the use of water in healing.)
Cyril Smith, researcher of Mechanical Engineering, has done extensive research on the effect of electromagnetic fields on our body. In this research he has discovered the use and importance and dowsing. (This is elaborated in the Appendix.)Water Devices

Johannes Grander

Roland Plocher


Flow Forms – Microscopic macroscopic motionsImploded Water

Water in the news

Water is increasingly in the news. Major newspapers have already published leading articles on the role of water. This has been inspired by the work of Jacques Benveniste and Masaru Emoto. Some of the articles deal with the way water can show different qualities of information. Few deal with the implications. That tap water needs to be reconsidered.

Properties of Water

Water is a fascinating material. Not just because it plays such a central role in your body, or its close association with life, but also because it is one of the stranger materials that we know of. It has very many quaint odd behaviours. It does not behave as neatly predictably as most materials science knows of.

We can discern the physical, chemical, electromagnetic and information aspects of water. Each of these aspects is elaborated below.

Before going into the way water can be regarded by these different facets, it is helpful to realise that they are all interrelated. Physics (matter) is composed of Chemistry (processes) which is created out of Electromagnetism (transformations) which is based on Information (integration).
This means that whatever is described, below, as properties of physics, is at a deeper level based on properties of chemistry, and so on. Ultimately it can all be seen to be a process of information.
This makes water research so interesting: it integrates all aspects of research of science, and gives it meaning, because it connects information with matter; which is the essence of functioning of our own body. By studying water we come to better understanding ourselves.

Physical properties of water

The following is based on a summary by Cees Kamp; chemist, sensitive, and researcher of water. His description was published in TIG19-2.

Physically water has 4 phases: Solid, liquid, gas and plasma.

  1. The solid form is called Ice
  2. The liquid form is called Water
  3. The gas form is called Vapour
  4. The plasma form is called Steam
  5. These are the physical parameters that can be found in any handbook of engineering or physics.
    Chemical properties of water
    Water is composed of H2O, as any school textbook on chemistry can describe.
    What is often left unknown is that water is commonly found as 2H2O, and that Oxygen and Hydrogen have some interesting properties in themselves.

Electromagnetic properties of water

Oxygen is paramagnetic: it induces a coherence on electromagnetic fields around it.

Information properties of water

This aspect is perhaps most difficult to describe. These properties themselves are simple, fundamental even to water. The problem lies in the lack of language in science; mainly as result of a lack of attention. Some scientists however have already explored this domain, with fascinating results. Mathematician and physicists have already started to use those models for description that can describe relationships and complexity.

The Information Age

One of the things that is necessary to understand is that we live in a different reality. Our ancestors lived in a quite different reality than we do. This is the result of a change of belief. A change of Mind Set. Often this is called the Paradigm Shift.

A few centuries ago the explanations for why things existed and happened was very different from now. It is easiest to say that we, collectively, simply don’t know. We simply just try to understand as we go along, and make up explanations to patch up the gaps in our understanding. Over the ages many peoples have tried to understand how the universe comes to be, and why we, people exist. Our understanding of Water, too, is determined by those trial-and-error models.

There was a time that it was tried to explain everything and all by one common-denominator concept: god. Although it was simple and effective (it could be used at all times), it was not very satisfactory. It did not explain any details of the how’s and why’s of existence. And it did not help too well in learning to create oneself. In a way it placed our creative powers beyond us.
Then it was tried to see if it could be understood as a reflection of our will, and emotions. This led to the understanding and practice of magick. This too worked well but was too incomplete: facts and illusions, desires and experiences could be easily confused. It also could be a bother to the bystanders. It every one can do their will, then what is the will of the collective, or the planet.
Another path was taken: matter as its own explanation. This too had its shortcomings. If matter is used to describe that matter exists (which is a tautology in itself), then how does matter come to be?
Now we live in the Information Age. And, in a way the aforementioned approaches all come together. The scientific model realised that atoms are composed of information. And that the fundamental laws are universal. And that, how we think determines what we think.

This is very important. The conclusion of science, now, is that Matter is composed of Molecules composed of Atoms composed of Information.

This is of fundamental importance, so let’s repeat this:

Matter is composed of Molecules composed of Atoms composed of Information.

This is the same as what was mentioned before: everyThing is noThing. This does however require a fundamental shift in perspective: the so-called paradigm shift, which is a mind leap.

  1. It is no longer possible to say that the physical universe is composed of matter. It simply does not explain where matter came from. This means that the laws of classical physics are of no real use to understand what the universe is. It merely serves to deal with its physical aspects, which can be described as structures in space.
  2. Physics, it is now known, is the result of chemistry: all matter is composed of molecules. This requires another way of thinking, and observation: it is all about processes in time.
  3. Chemistry however is now known to be based on electromagnetism: molecules are composed by atoms. Yet another way of thinking is required: of energy transformation.
  4. But electrons and protons are determined by relationships and patterns off coherence: the ´particles are rather intersections of waves. Again another way of thinking is required to account that electromagnetism is based on e-/im-mergence of information.

We not only live in an information era.
We live in an information universe.
All that we know is a manifestation of information, in formation.

Let’s apply this understanding to water.

At one level water is a physical structure. It is tangible and palpable – which is best seem in water’s form of Ice. At that level it is physical, and occupies space.

  1. At another level water is a chemical process: relativistic in the way it relates to itself and its context. Always changing, interchanging. This is best seen in water as fluid. It flows and adapts to its context.
  2. At yet another level water is an electromagnetic transformation. This is best seen in water as mist. Any slight change in the environment, and the mist can turn to vapour. (This is the effect used in the Wilson Cloud Chamber to detect atomic particles by their traces. They let the mist condense in a vapour trail.)
  3. And there is a level where water simply falls apart: the components that it is composed of loose their coherence. This is often called Steam. At this level, whatever happens will determine if water exists as water, or not.

Together it is a life cycle: water is formed out of the coming together of particles, which then again can come together as droplets, which then again can come together and solidify into an object.
But all that we see is simply different states of matter. Water simply reflects the changes in context.
Yet, what we see in water not only reflects the changes in context, but also the structure of water.

That is how we see information: in structures, in motions, in changes, and the way coherence is lost (or gained).
The changes in coherence: these are essential. The term that is used for this is that of Degrees of Freedom.

  1. Solids have no internal degree of freedom: it is, it has a form, and that is how it will be. It cannot deform, it cannot transform, it cannot un-form (which is an opposite of inform).
  2. Liquids have one internal degree of freedom. They can deform but not transform, nor un-form.
  3. Gasses have one more degree of freedom: two degrees of freedom. Thereby, they can deform and reform: they can transform (e.g. from mist to vapour; droplets to gas). But they cannot form and un-form.
  4. Steam has yet one mode degree of freedom. It can form and un-form. It can stop being water, or become water, depending on the context. And it can transform and deform.

There is an old way to represent this in pictures; because this understanding is so basic that is has been known for a very long time.

This is the art of Alchemy. It has often been scorned, by scientists, who forgot that science was created because the alchemists needed to, wanted to, understand the nature of matter in greater detail. They wanted to know how the Squaring of the Circle took place. How, and why – the same question as where we started – the universe can change form, deform, transform, and obtain (or loose) form. They had realised, by their experiments, that this had to do with inner properties of water. That is why their science (which it is) was called occult: they knew that the solution for what they were seeking was not to be found in the form of physical objects, but in a change of information, due to which the manifestation form changed. It is their first observations that led to modern physics. It were their first tests that became the basis of chemistry. It was their work with relations that later led to the understanding of electromagnetism. And it was their realisation that matter is part of the universe in formation. Their understanding of the relation between information and matter went so far that they made no real difference between the relationships in matter, in observation, in communication between people, in communion with the universe as a whole. For them, the universal laws of science, psychology, sociology and religion are simply different aspects of the same. Understanding the one helps to understand the other.

    Aye, there is a paradox in the scientists scorning the alchemist. It can be compared to cursing the grandparents, from which you were born…

There in another aspect that needs to be mentioned: transmutation. The alchemists realised (before they as yet could describe the details) that it is possible for one atomic element to change into another. Louis Kervran has elegantly shown this in his book “Biological Transmutations”. In nature this is a common occurrence: microbes and plants and animals do it; as do also humans. It is the simple exchange of protons from one atomic nucleus to another. This requires a synchronisation of the rhythms of the electrons, to make the passage free for this too happen. But that is the essence of life: dealing with internal degrees of freedom.

This too is very important, and not to be neglected: Living beings do not operate by the principles of matter described by science.
Science regards matter as dead. It does not account for freedom of choice. By this assumption, it made the universe invariant, thus ‘dead’. This means that the universe has no options, no choices, and creation does not exist. This may be the case in science (because the scientists assume this, this impose this, thus believe this, thus perceive this …) but even in science this proves not to be true. That is why the classical theory of physics needed to be replaced by the quantum theory which is based on probabilistic thinking. In this model, what we think determines what we perceive. It is called the collapse of the State Vector. It describes that our realisations are conditioned by our beliefs. Reality is a Realisation.
This is what the alchemists already perceived; and why for them science was a form of prayer (something the priests did not yet understand)


Water Research

Water research is fun and simple.

Much of it you can do yourself.

Rarely does it require sophisticated instruments.
Thus, the findings form fascinating reading.

Water research is based on

  • the properties of water
  • our ability to see differences

Two aspects of the work of Cyril Smith are important within the context of this book:

  • Dowsing as objective method for subjective sensing
  • Electromagnetic Fields affecting our body

The first is based on what has been described in the chapter on the properties of water: the way it changes phase from solid (ice) to liquid (water) to mist (gas) to steam (plasma).

The second calls for ingenuity, because it is based on what the researcher can perceive and is willing to perceive. Research always requires the willingness to confront the unknown: all that we cannot see, and perhaps do not want to see.

(Suppressed emotions play an important role in all people. In scientists also. Scientists however often assume that this does not play a role – in fact it does, and often decisively so. Research always requires calibration of the instruments that are used: the scientist is perhaps the most pivotal instrument, and needs to be calibrated and self-calibrating always.)

when you do these experiments, it is imperative that you calibrate and clean up your own psychological system. Especially in the study of water, because what you see reflected in the structure of water is the context it was in. This includes your emotional states, and thus your unresolved psychological issues.


(The work of i.a. Jacques Benveniste has shown that the message stored in water is electromagnetic. It is the water film of homeopathic granules that determines the storage of its information.)

The work of Cyril Smith – Dowsing

The human body is our best and most valuable scientific instrument. All instruments that were created always reflect one or more of the sensory capacities of our body. Our body however has more and greater capacities than commonly presently understood. One of these is that the devices that are used in science have often been reduced to linear systems, while our body, by its nature, is not. N. Westerman has remarked that most instruments used in science require a high signal to noise ratio. The signal can drown in the noise. In living organisms, thus biological systems, it is possible to detect signals even within massive amounts of noise. A mother can hear the whimpering of her baby in a driving car on the road. 

Cyril Smith has studied these potentials of our body, particularly the scientific uses of dowsing. Dowsing is a general term for the way our body can indicate changes in our perception.
Dowsing is an important scientific technique: what good is any objective measurement in science, if the subjective responses of the scientist are not understood, perhaps even ignored? Dowsing is an age old technique by which any person can monitor subtle bodily responses, and thereby detect changes in our functioning, or in the contexts, that might otherwise remain undetected.

Two aspects of the work of Cyril Smith are important within the context of this book:

  • Dowsing as objective method for subjective sensing
  • Electromagnetic Fields affecting our body

(The work of i.a. Jacques Benveniste has shown that the message stored in water is electromagnetic. It is the water film on homeopathic granules that determines the storage of its information.)

The work of Dan Winter – Golden Ratio Harmonics

Our right brain offers ways to insight which cannot be grasped by the left brain. “A picture is worth a thousand words” summarises how the right brain can interpret drawings at a glance, for which the left brain verbal centre requires many words. Most often it cannot even be described if the form is not yet known and has acquired its own name. The right brain can address relationships, and complexities. Making a relationship visual can be a great help towards coming to understand it.

  • For this reason this chapter includes a set of exercises for internal mental cleaning.
    • These can also be used by scientists in every field of research.
  • It also recapitulates the basic properties of water.
    • See the corresponding chapter for the more elaborate details.
  • Then it presents set-ups for experimentation
    • Some of these you can do yourself, the others you can read in books
  • Finally it suggests points of attention in detecting changes, and elimination observer bias.
    • These are exercises you might well want to integrate in your daily life.

The work of Dan Winter is an example of this: he has collected many images, and created many himself, which show the simplicity of complexity. Many of the patterns that we see in nature, are based on basic principles of connectedness. That is, there is a logic to nature that can be more easily grasped as visual image. The Golden Mean Ratio is an example of this: it is the form found in the shape of the seeds in the sunflower, the fir pine cone, and in many other forms in nature.

The essence of this work is a ratio: a relationship. Specifically: the golden mean ratio, which is a form of fractal. This is a ratio in which the part relates to the whole. This evidently is relevant for the whole to be experienced and expressed in the part. Without such connectedness, the part stands on its own and cannot integrate into its context. This generally means that it will thereby disintegrate (into) its context.

The Work of Lawrence Edwards – The Vortex of Life

How the principles of the Golden Mean Ratio play a role in Nature has been shown by mathematician Lawrence Edwards in how book the Vortex of Life. It starts with a basic question of mathematics: how is it possible to turn a line inside out, through itself. (“Turning inside out” is the basis of the Big Bang: the universe forming by its turning inside out.)

The mathematics is simple, as are the resulting shapes: those of an egg, and a vortex. These are basically the same shapes, but the inverse of each other. That is: the one can lead to the other and inverse. (This is the essence of a mathematical transformation.)

By these shapes it is not only possible to see how e.g. the shape of various fir pine cones can be described by a change in a parameter of the mathematical equation that describes it. It is also possible to use this to detect the changes of the growth rate of the buds of leaves corresponding with the phases of the moon (and transitions of planets). Likewise they can show the effect of disturbance of plant growth by electromagnetic fields, such as sub station transformers.

Principles of Quantum Relativity – Observer Involvement

Quantum Theory presents a fundamental notion: what we perceive is the result of our perceiving. What we see reflects how we see. There is no objective reality: whatever we hold to be objective is the consequence of our subjective involvement. The way we relate to ourselves – this includes our beliefs – determines the way we relate to our context. The technical term for this is the Collapse of the State Vector. Reality is a realisation: this universe is in creation, it is a system of interacting waves. By our own involvement we co-determine how the wave patterns take shape. (See the section on Moir← patterns).

Moiré Patterns –Interference Imaging

Moiré Patterns are the result of interference patterns of waves. Together they build up to higher waves, when wave crests coincide; or to lower wave heights when thus is the case for wave troughs.

The work of Samuel Hahnemann - Homeopathy

The work of Samuel Hahnemann is one of the bases of homeopathy. It is based on the principle of resonance: whatever has the same wave field is in rapport with all other systems that operate the same wave form. One part of this work is the use of remedies in high dilutions.

The application in homeopathy, and thus the use of homeopathy as method of healing, is based on the transmission of information in water. This is why the work of Jacques Benveniste is so important. Perhaps this is why his work was defiled by unjust character assassination: to prevent the furtherment of homeopathy. This might lead to the detriment of other interests in the business of healing. (This presents the question to which extent medicine is determined by interests which have no business with healing.)

By showing that water in high dilution indeed carries information, one of the bases of homeopathy was suddenly firmly in place. However, homeopathy involves more than the use of water in high dilution: it also involves the use of information as medication, and the use of the information of the problem to generate the solution, by the healthy response of the living body. …


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